Moon in Sights | January 4 - 29 2015

Full Moon in Cancer | January 4 - 6 2015
I think life is always dangerous. Some people get afraid of it. Some people don't go forward. But some people, if they want to achieve their goal, they have to go. They have to move. -Malala Yousafzai (youngest Nobel Prize laureate, Cancer Sun) Happy Full Moon! The Sun in Capricorn is opposite the Moon in Cancer, marking a Full Moon in the sign of the Crab. With the first Full Moon in 2015 happening in the Moon's home sign of Cancer, this is a year of getting back in touch with the root of our emotions. It may not be easy to figure out why we feel the way we do. By taking the time to stop and listen to our own feelings, we can often find the answers that we're looking for. This is something that we tend to forget when we are in the midst of our own thoughts. The Moon in Cancer is trining Neptune in Pisces, and we have lots of love to share. We feel more passionate and caring, and there can be a great feeling of connection between us and our friends and family. The Moon will also form an opposition to Pluto - which is currently conjunct the Sun in Capricorn, and it's time to make way for the new. Whether that means facing old feelings so they can be released and cleared, or releasing an unwanted pattern by forgiving one or more people, we will know what it is we are ready to relinquish. With the Moon's square to Uranus in Aries, concentrate solely on the positive. We'll feel extra sharp to handle anything complex or otherwise. We can deal with difficult attitudes by using our creative mind and feelings in putting the pieces of the story together. Remember that when we don't know how to continue, when we don't know what to do, and feel like we are stuck in a place, ask the following question; What can I learn from this situation that can be beneficial to my ever-evolving journey on becoming the most authentic version of myself?



★ ★ ★ ★ 

Moon in Leo | January 6 - 8 2015
No matter what you do, there will always be those who misunderstand your intentions. This shouldn't stop you from living in the best way that you know how in every moment. In today's world, there are people who think that internet is just an illusion. And there are also people who think that internet has helped them tremendously in their life. Who is right in this case? No one is. Because every person has a different life story, and each story counts for something. No one can fully experience what another is going through, and so the best thing we can do is to open our mind enough to learn more about each other - whether through the internet or any other modes of interaction. The Moon is in Leo along with Jupiter Rx, and it's a great time to bond and to feel good by doing things we love. Giving and responding to others with a kind word can be very rewarding, as we will finally realize where our heart truly lies. With the Moon in Leo forming a trine to Saturn in Sagittarius and Uranus in Aries, we can stay on top of things by remembering our place. This is the way to keep that deadline we need to meet. We can discover new ways to express our creativity and open our mind to shared ideas that will benefit our life and the lives of others. Our sense of humor can also help to change many situations in our favor during this time. The Leo Moon is opposing Mercury, Venus and Mars in Aquarius, and we might need to do some more balancing than usual. Love may hurt at times but it also brings lots of joy and inspiration. Events this week will help us open our mind more to what relationships will be to us. Let our heart soar and our mind strengthen us on our search for the true inner self.



★ ★ ★ ★ 

Moon in Virgo | January 9 - 11 2015
Having a clear vision of what you want to achieve evokes a sense of hope and determination that can pull you forward into the future of your dreams. The Moon is in Virgo, and old bridges that have crumbled will give us a better chance of building new and stronger ones. Putting our heart into important matters could help us and the people around us turn things around in the next few weeks. It's a wonderful time to do better planning and be very attentive to details, for even the smallest things could make a big difference on our path. The Virgo Moon is forming a square to Saturn in Sagittarius and an opposition to Neptune in Pisces, and we can be inspired to get rid of negativity around us. Our sense of purpose has a lot of meaning behind it, and we will be able to respond to what our senses are telling us. Don't give in to pressures happening at work, instead show our enthusiasm and strength in improving our situation. With the trine to the Sun and Pluto in Capricorn, break free from the old way of dealing with our emotions. A positive attitude will set us in a wonderful direction where we can aim high for those goals. Take a deep breath, let our head clear and our heart lead us. Completion and the end of a cycle are at hand.

My Personal Astrological Journey

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January 5, 2015

I guess any kind of transformation must be hard, initially, for anyone who has passion for something that not many people believe in. I myself have experienced some backlash from a few friends and family about my interest in astrology. One even asked whether I'm high. No, I'm not high. I don't do drugs. I am fully aware of what I've been doing. I am fully aware of every word I choose in my own writings. I wouldn't write anything I don't want to read. And I wouldn't share something I haven't experienced before in my life. I always try to share something that I believe could help my own personal growth, as well as somebody out there who might be going through a hard time and looking for uplifting, positive inspirations. This journey has been more of a commitment to myself, and to my inspirations. It has also been an exercise of confidence, time-management, communication and writing skills. You don't have to believe in what I have to say. If you don't want to read my writings simply don't read them, or stop following my posts. Sometimes I too, have to click the 'I don't want to see this' option on Facebook when I see a post I don't want to see or read. Although I don't often do that, because I try to learn from everything - the good, the bad, the positive, and the negative. It's all a matter of choice, and each choice is our prerogative. I don't know how all this will unfold in the future. For now, I just want to keep learning from my own experiences and my own choices. If I make a few mistakes along the way, I will learn. I will grow.

Yaviz Basalamah

Photo taken at Bromo, East Java, October 27 2013

For more of my astro updates please visit my Facebook Page.

Moon in Sights | December 8 2014 - January 2 2015

Moon in Cancer | December 8 - 10 2014
One tree can make millions of matchsticks, but one matchstick can also burn millions of trees. The same goes for negative thoughts, one can burn all positive thoughts. Don't let one negative thought ruin all your dreams. The Moon is back in her home sign of Cancer trining Neptune / Chiron in Pisces, and we are moved to be more receptive to our Divine inner guidance and to follow it without hesitation. It's a good time to keep our focus as we can be presented with the perfect opportunity to work on that one dream to bring it into reality. The Cancer Moon will oppose Pluto in Capricorn and square the North Node in Libra, and matters of the heart should not be allowed to get in the way of our work. Look around us and take note of all we see, it will help us to get a good perspective on what's truly going on in our life. There's something important we can learn from a turn of events that will show us what it really means to be disciplined while at the same time keeping our spirit of freedom alive. With the square to Uranus in Aries, do not let changes in our home or work area cause frustration or anger. Remember our positive side and keep focusing on that. Continue with the energy of persistence and our hard work can pay dividends by week's end.



★ ★ ★ ★ 

Moon in Leo | December 10 - 12 2014
You'll be judged no matter what you do. Might as well be happy and do your thing. The Moon is in Leo along with Jupiter - which is now in retrograde, inspiring us to go with the flow and express our feelings about life, love and poetry. This can be a more exciting time for us, as more good memories will be made. The Moon in Leo is opposing Mars in Aquarius, and our energy serves us with strong purpose and peace of mind in inspiring and helping others. Just keep our head in the game so things won't draw our attention away from that which we are good at. With the trine to the Sun / Mercury in Sagittarius and Uranus Rx in Aries, our mind is alert, and our heart can tell when it's time to make things happen. Different situations and conversations will bring in new opportunities for opening more doors our way. We can make this time more beautiful simply by being ourselves, and allowing our creative side to come out through spreading some happiness around. Do the best we can to surround ourselves more with happy people, especially when things seem to get weird or out of control. As our confidence and energy level reach peak point, the more tasks we'll be able to fulfill, and the fun to come will make it all worth it. We could soon discover that we have a new flair to our way of doing things, this can spark new joy in us and bring a breath of fresh air into our chosen path.



★ ★ ★ ★ 

Moon in Virgo | December 12 - 14 2014
Lives fall apart when they need to be rebuilt. -Iyanla Vanzant (Virgo Sun) The Moon is in Virgo opposing Neptune / Chiron in Pisces, getting our intuitive feelings going strong. Our hopes and dreams can provide us with a lot of assistance at this time, especially at times when things seem to get a bit stressful. We are approaching the 6th exact square (a challenging aspect that began in 2012) between Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn, so there has been a lot of tension bubbling underneath, on an individual level as well as collective level. The Moon in Virgo is making a trine to Venus / Pluto in Capricorn, and whatever we have thought through can give us a sense of relief to keep going for our goals. It will be good to take a direct approach with a no-nonsense attitude. Anything we set our mind to can work out in our favor when we incorporate more love into our daily activities. With the square to the Sun / Mercury in Sagittarius, make sure we don't get too opinionated so that others can understand more clearly what we have to say. Allow the strong energies to inspire our expertise and skills instead, and we will succeed in getting one step closer to our heart's wishes this month. By trying our best to stay centered in the midst of powerful changes, we will know exactly what to do at the right moment. Start new beginnings with new ideas, and wash the old with positive thinking.