Sun // Pluto

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In between the Sun and Pluto I stand, owning my own energy and taking
responsibility for the kind of change I want to bring into my world.

Yaviz Basalamah

Full Moon in Virgo | Reaching Your Spiritual Wellness Goals

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 February 22nd, 2016 

Full Moon in Virgo: Open-mindedness, hopefulness and truthfulness
are signs of a healthy mind, heart and spirit.

Being hopeful is not about being gullible, but more about being open-minded enough to look for new ways to keep rising, growing and learning. Being truthful is not about speaking just for the sake of expressing our mind, but more about being open-hearted enough to speak from the soul with the intention of bringing positive change. 

Some people have the wrong impression that when someone is filled with hope or feeling too optimistic, they are probably naive or have never experienced trauma to fully understand how the world works. Having hope in our heart doesn't necessarily mean that we have to 'fake it' until what we hope for comes true. Having hope means that instead of focusing too much on what can go wrong, we put our focus more on the present moment - while at the same time being logical enough to look for solutions to problems that we may encounter in the future. 

The same goes with the idea that feeling hopeful means that we have to be in a constant state of happiness. Because there is no such thing as feeling hopeful and awful at the same time. Understand that it is okay to feel sadness. It is okay to feel like we don't belong. And there is nothing shameful in depression, because it can hit anyone at any time. But if we are open-minded enough to keep some hope in our heart (or at the very least in the back of our mind), we will always have faith within us. The faith that this too shall pass. The faith that things can be different. 

We may believe that some wounds will never heal, but with hope we will also acknowledge that we grow with each passing day. We will evolve with each lesson that we learn. And we will rise above old problems with each level of awareness that we reach. Remain healthy mentally, emotionally and spiritually by being open-minded, hopeful and truthful.

Happy Full Snow Moon! The Moon is joining Jupiter Rx in Virgo and forming an opposition to the Sun, Neptune and Chiron in Pisces, marking an extra intuitive and discerning Full Moon in the sign of the Maiden. A 'Full Snow Moon' is a name given to a Full Moon that happens in February, because it is usually a month with the heaviest snowfall. And as a result, hunting becomes more difficult, which is why Native Americans also called this the Hunger Moon. 

Ruling the 6th House in Astrology or the House of Work and Health, the Virgo energy is all about maintaining a healthy balance between mental, emotional and spiritual wellness. When one aspect is out of balance, it will have an effect on the other equally important aspects at the same time. A Full Moon happening in the sign of Virgo means that this is our time to reach a new level of internal stability and external equilibrium.

One of the ways that this can be possible for us is by realizing that ultimately, we are in control of the stories that we live. We have the choice to feel hopeful and keep moving forward in life, or to feel hopeless and remain stuck in one page of our life. The Full Moon is asking: Which story are you currently writing? Is it a story of progress and evolution? Or is it a story of regress and devolution?

With the Moon's square to Saturn, we are guided to remain strong and lift our spirits up to a more secure and peaceful place. Sometimes negative people, situations or experiences can pull us down that we feel sidetracked from our original purpose. The Virgo Full Moon has come to remind us of our true inner sanctuary. Our true internal happiness. Our true spiritual purpose.

Know that there is always within us a river of peace flowing endlessly. A ray of hope growing bountifully. And an energy of love flourishing abundantly. They are always within us beneath the illusions of our ego and the false promises of our misguided fears. 

The Moon is also forming a trine to Pluto and a sextile to Mars, and with movement comes fruition. How can we trust and follow our own soul's calling? Or how can we find it if we feel unsure about what our soul's true calling actually is? There is something important that we are called to do, and the Full Moon is guiding us to increase our confidence and self-motivation to keep going forward. 

There is a sacred lesson in getting the job done. The lesson of tapping into our personal power. The lesson of becoming and remaining authentically positive. The lesson of staying true to our own soul. Our growing spiritual awareness is here to reveal to us that our latest hidden treasure is us fearlessly following our heart's guidance to go to that next level of soulful productivity.

Yaviz Basalamah

Full Moon in Virgo: Oppose the Sun, Neptune and Chiron in Pisces ●
Square Saturn in Sagittarius ● Trine Pluto in Capricorn ●
Sextile Mars in Scorpio ● Conjunct Jupiter Rx



For more of my astro updates please go to my Facebook Page.

Moon in Sights | January 21st - February 15th, 2016

'The Two Fridas' by Frida Kahlo, 1939

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January 21st, 2016 | Moon in Cancer, trine Neptune and Mars, oppose Pluto and Mercury Rx, square Uranus, sextile Jupiter Rx: Pre-Full Moon Diary. Where there is faith, there is hope. Where there is love, there is trust. The Moon is back home in Cancer forming a trine to Neptune and Mars, signifying a gateway energy opening for our inspirations and manifestations. How open are we to experiencing progress? The more open we are to letting go of old blocks, the more open our heart becomes to healing, clearing and manifesting. The more open we are to seeing from different perspectives, the more open our mind to finding new opportunities and breakthroughs. Perhaps we have been looking for ways to release the past, old items, or simply anything which no longer serve a useful purpose. Know that releasing doesn't always mean getting rid of anything physical. It can also be more about releasing old memories, forgiving old grudges, and sending gratitude to old situations. As we hold the intention of thankfully clearing old energies, we make way for new and purified energies to enter our life. By gratefully accepting that we have grown and evolved through our painful experinces, we make room for more wisdom and insights to permeate our mind. With a Full Moon coming up in a couple of days, untie the burden of carrying the past around and liberate our mind by recognizing the beauty within each sunset of our life. Welcome endings as signposts guiding us to walk down a brand new beginning.



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January 24th, 2016 | Full Moon in Leo, oppose the Sun, square Mars, trine Saturn and Uranus: Love like you have within you all the love in the universe (because you do). Let's talk about the love energy. What does love mean to us? Some people see love as an emotion, a feeling. While others also see it as an energy. According to Deepak Chopra, love includes affection but is more than affection. It associates itself with sexual desire, kindness, compassion, altruism, and mutual regard. And this couldn't be further from the truth. As a universal energy, love encompasses all things and is an eternal energy. It is an indestructible force that lies within every living being and beyond. However, if it is indeed everlasting and eternal, what does it mean when people say they are out of love? In essence, there is no such thing as falling out of love. But there is such thing as letting our ego gets in the way of love. When ego gets in the way, we get fear instead, which is the opposite of love. This is not the kind of fear that we feel when we encounter something we deem to be frightening, but the kind of fear that can block our vision from what is true in our life. Read more on:



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January 26th, 2016 | Moon in Virgo, trine Venus, Mercury and Pluto, oppose Neptune, sextile Mars, square Saturn, conjunct Jupiter Rx: Post-Full Moon Diary. Going back to where it all began. Rediscovering our rhythm. Owning our natural element. What does it really mean to us to express our soul purpose? What can we do to feel more fulfilled, content and secure? Perhaps it's tending to our responsibilities? Or perhaps it's more to do with giving expression to our creative impulses? Whatever the case may be, put decision-making at the top of our agenda now. We already know what the topic of our decision is, and we can free ourself from worry by walking forward in faith and taking that next step. This is not about making a change just for the sake of change, but because we know it is what we feel guided to do. Have trust in the knowing that as we make that necessary and positive choice, a new door will open to help release the baggage we have been carrying around. And as a result, we can feel lighter, zestful and more energized at the same time. With Mercury now moving direct, we can begin the process of releasing the old and making room for the new to enter our life. Once we get really clear about what we are releasing, we can start to create new and more life-affirming beliefs that are more in alignment with the path we want to be on.



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January 29th, 2016 | Moon in Libra, square Venus, Mercury and Pluto, trine the Sun, sextile Saturn, oppose Uranus: Seeing the beauty in our emotional growth. Finding balance between what we feel and what we think. Understanding that there is wisdom beneath life's imperfections. Can we trust that wisdom? Can we see that there is an imperishable spirit beyond our fears? How open are we to letting reality empower us instead of disempower us? Understand that behind what we believe to be emotional pain or heartache, always lies a source for empowerment. And it's not in the denying that we discover that power, but in the accepting that life always brings with it different layers of lessons. Each lesson opens our eyes more to our sense of vulnerability, while at the same time opening our heart more to the depth of our soul. Trust that we are learning. Prepare for a breakthrough. Expect movement now that we are ready to release more of those mental and emotional blocks. Still, hold realistic expectations. Take baby steps instead of giant leaps. Enjoy the process, and be extra caring to ourself along the way. Focus upon seeing ourself as who we really are and others as who they really are without expectation. Do not worry about who is right or who is wrong, because at the end of the day, nobody's perfect and we are all growing children of the universe. Affirm love and let love be the guiding light in any and all situations.



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February 1st, 2016 | Moon in Scorpio, trine Neptune, sextile Venus, Pluto, Mercury and Jupiter Rx, square the Sun, conjunct Mars: Going beyond the visible. Moving from the realm of intellect into the realm of the soul. Discovering the truth behind our feelings and following what we feel guided to do. How often do we listen to our intuition? How often do we follow our instincts? Try to stop for a moment to see how we are truly feeling. And why we are feeling the way we do. Can we trust our feelings? Can we see the reason behind our judgments? Perhaps there have been pent-up emotions that we need to clear. Perhaps a misunderstanding or differing beliefs have gotten in the way. We are guided to clear the air so that we can have inner peace. Sometimes an honest conversation is necessary to express our feelings truthfully. This can be done without blaming the other person, and by giving them equal time to share their feelings. Either way, we can feel good in being honest to ourself, and this in turn opens the door for healthy authentic relationships. There is blessing on offer and waves of healing energy once we are ready to open our heart. If we find ourself feeling blocked or irritable, know that this is a reminder to cleanse ourself of negative energy we may have picked up along our journey. Hold the intention of absorbing peace and love, not fearful energies, and let our soul be a channel for divine healing.



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February 3rd, 2016 | Moon in Sagittarius, square Neptune and Jupiter Rx, sextile the Sun, conjunct Saturn, trine Uranus: Finding a way to grow and expand. Being able to see that there is light after dark. Understanding that healing comes from owning life for what it really is, without losing our big perspective along the way. Now that the truth is out in the open, what's next? What comes after a purging of the soul? How can we move away from the past and embrace the future with an open heart? The key now is to release old self-limiting beliefs we have about our life. To let go of old fears that have been holding us back. The fear that we have no power or control over our life. The fear that the future may be bleaker than the present. In truth, the future is not set in stone and we do have within us more power than we think. Instead of focusing more on negative possibilities, try to stay centered and remain optimistic as we work on the little details. Instead of thinking about how big our problems are, think more about the little steps we have yet to take next. Understand that there is courage in staying open despite negativity around us, and there is strength in letting our sensitivity grow. The kind of sensitivity that brings to us more awareness and sympathy for the world around us. With a new sense of openness and receptivity, we make way for progress to unfold. Focus our mind to only affirm positive change, without worrying about having to figure out everything all at once. As Alan Watts once said, the only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.



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February 5th, 2016 | Dark Moon in Capricorn, sextile Neptune and Mars, conjunct Venus, Pluto and Mercury, square Uranus, trine Jupiter Rx: Getting to the bottom of things. Working with what works, and releasing what no longer works. Discovering a new breeding ground where we can plant new seeds. Are we ready to focus on the smaller details? Are we open to finding new ways to deal with old problems? The answer lies in how clear we are about our own attitude towards progress and growth. Perhaps we are afraid that with progress, comes greater responsibilities. Or perhaps we just need a little more time to grow beyond our past limitations. Whatever the case may be, by focusing more on what can go right, instead of what can go wrong, we make room for our courage to grow. By taking a better look at what we can do next, instead of what we can't yet figure out, we make way for progress to unfold. Little by little, step by step, we can move forward and go beyond the limits that have blocked us for so long. If it feels like we have too much going on now, this would be a great time to simplify. Stop whatever is draining our energy and shift our schedule so that we can focus more on our priorities. No more delaying happiness. No more letting self-sabotaging patterns get in the way. We are embarking on a path where it feels safer to walk in our truth. To live in our truth. To love our truth. Listen more closely to our heart's wisdom and let love point the way to greater freedom.



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February 8th, 2016 | New Moon in Aquarius, conjunct the Sun, sextile Saturn and Uranus, square Mars, quincunx Jupiter Rx: Just be you(r soul). There is no one way to be authentic, because there are different kinds of authenticity. What we believe to be a mark of authenticity may be different to what another believes to be a mark of authenticity. So what really comes to mind when we think about authenticity? Is it dressing the way want to look? Is it speaking our heart and mind openly? Or is it acting the way we feel our soul wants to express itself? In truth, being authentic doesn't mean that we have to speak our mind all the time. Being authentic doesn't mean that we have to break the rules in order to be ourself. Being authentic doesn't mean that we have to act so hardcore and nonchalant all the time in order to appear cool. Being authentic means that we trust our heart's wisdom, accept our mind's growing awareness and follow our soul's expanding evolution. With time, we may change the way we act, the way we look, or the way we speak, but deep down, our essence remains the same. Outside circumstances may shake us to the core and we feel transformed, like a different person. This doesn't mean that we haven't been authentic all along, but more because we embody our soul more fully with each experience we encounter. Read more on:



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February 10th, 2016 | Moon in Pisces, conjunct Neptune and Chiron, sextile Pluto, Venus and Mercury, square Saturn, trine Mars, oppose Jupiter Rx: Post-New Moon Diary. Following inspiration. Listening to intuition. Rediscovering the magic of life. What is beneath our desires? Can we hear our soul's whispering answers? What wisdom can we find from our heart's longing? Perhaps we need to slow down so that we can listen more clearly. Perhaps we need to close our eyes so that we can see more clearly through our mind's eye. The answers have been within us all along. It's just that we have been afraid to accept them. Perhaps out of fear of disappointment. Or perhaps out of fear of facing reality. Although, what is reality in this case? Is it not getting what we want? Is it getting what we don't want? We are now asked to figure out what we truly want beyond our insecurities. Beyond our fears. Beyond our sorrows. What do we want when we are standing in our own personal power? We may want different things. We may want the same things, but for different reasons. We may see that our tastes and interests have changed. People, places and situations which once fascinated us no longer feel the same. Our mind is shifting. Our soul is growing. The New Moon was guiding us to envision our life going in the direction of our highest purpose. A new door is opening. Enter it. And then keep walking in the spirit of hope, love and faith.



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February 12th, 2016 | Moon in Aries, trine Saturn, square Pluto, Venus and Mercury, conjunct Uranus, sextile the Sun: Awakening of a new breakthrough. Opening new doors filled with soul revelations. Seeing beyond the facade and understanding that there is more to explore. How can we move forward if we spend too much time looking in the rear-view window? The only way we can break new grounds now is to break through old walls. Walls that have kept us from going forward in the direction of our dreams. Walls that have kept us away from having a more authentic connection with others. Walls that have been standing in between our old self and our new self where we feel more in tuned with our soul. Can we recognize the old paradigm? Can we see the limits we put on ourself? It is time we started focusing on our potentials. On our ability to grow beyond our own limitations. On the power that we have to change and evolve. See what truly matters to us. Is it our time? Our health? Our personal happiness? Only we know the answer to our own questions because ultimately, true contentment comes from within. Perhaps we have been searching externally instead of internally? We have learned so much and are now more perceptive about what and who we let into our life. As we appreciate this wisdom we hold the space to welcome greater mental, emotional and spiritual fulfillment.



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February 14th, 2016 | Moon in Taurus, sextile Neptune and Chiron, trine Pluto and Venus, oppose Mars, square the Sun: Rebuilding from the ground up. Recreating the magic in our life. Reaffirming the path that feels most natural to us. What can we do differently now that we have our new perspective? How can we step into our power without old fears getting in the way? Perhaps there's still some spring cleaning we need to do. Whether literally where we clean up our space, or internally where we clean up the dusty remnants of our soul. Either way, embracing the new and letting go of the old is one of the first steps that we can take to start anew. Starting a new practice in which we affirm our sense of power and discard our sense of powerlessness so that we are able to move forward with faith. Understanding that there is nothing to fear in welcoming the new because the past has served its purpose. Look at life as it is right now and live more fully in the present moment. Notice where we feel discouraged and see it as a reminder that it is time to take our courage back. To begin turning our power in the direction of love and wisdom, and to release this painful pattern of letting the ego be in the driver's seat where we feel controlled and confined. The Moon in Taurus brings a reminder for us to stop feeling powerless and to start powerfully grabbing life by the horns again in order to stay true to our inner vision.



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February 15th, 2016 | Moon in Gemini, trine Mercury and the Sun, square Neptune and Jupiter Rx, oppose Saturn, sextile Uranus: Remembering the true importance of self-talk. Understanding that what we say to others reflects what we subconsciously say to ourself. How can we develop a stronger sense of self through a practice of internal spirit-self communication? What beliefs are we harboring that may have been counterproductive to our own spiritual evolution? Perhaps we believe that there's still a lot for us to learn before we can consider ourself a pro at something. Which can be true in one way, because sometimes a little more experience is what it takes for us to move to that next level of expertise. Or perhaps we may not even believe that we have what it takes to go for our dreams. No matter what kind of beliefs we are keeping now, this would be a great time to take a closer look at our natural gifts and talents. This could be something that we are able to do, make or create, or this could be more about the way we think, communicate, or express ourself. Remember that each and every one of us has something unique to offer and share with the world. The Moon in Gemini inspires us to express our soul and open our heart more through the healing of old insecure beliefs we have about ourself. All the hurtful experiences that we have endured have made us who we are today, a more courageous, knowledgeable and evolved soul. As we commit to our mental and emotional growth, we make motivation, innovation and love be our key ingredients on a journey that is most in alignment with our true self.

Yaviz Basalamah

For more of my astro updates please go to my Facebook Page.

New Moon in Aquarius | Be Nobody But Your Soul

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 February 8th, 2016 

You can only be authentic to the degree that you currently know yourself.
Teal Swan

New Moon in Aquarius: Just be you(r soul).

There is no one way to be authentic, because there are different kinds of authenticity. What we believe to be a mark of authenticity may be different to what another believes to be a mark of authenticity.

So what really comes to mind when we think about authenticity?

Is it dressing the way want to look? Is it speaking our heart and mind openly? Or is it acting the way we feel our soul wants to express itself? In truth, being authentic doesn't mean that we have to speak our mind all the time. Being authentic doesn't mean that we have to break the rules in order to be ourself. Being authentic doesn't mean that we have to act so hardcore and nonchalant all the time in order to appear cool. Being authentic means that we trust our heart's wisdom, accept our mind's growing awareness and follow our soul's expanding evolution. 

With time, we may change the way we act, the way we look, or the way we speak, but deep down, our essence remains the same. Outside circumstances may shake us to the core and we feel transformed, like a different person. This doesn't mean that we haven't been authentic all along, but more because we embody our soul more fully with each experience we encounter. 

The same goes with changes in the lives of others. For example, we may be used to seeing that one friend in our life as someone who seems quiet and reserved. But lately they look different, they seem more confident, and they even start making video blogs and posting them on YouTube. Perhaps they may seem insincere to us because they no longer look and act the same way. 

Instead of judging them as being inauthentic, why not see them as someone who wants to grow beyond their old limitations? Someone who feels that they have more within them to express and offer. Someone who wants to become their own person. This is one example of how a person can become more authentically themself. It is not about changing ourself for the sake of change, or because others want us to, but more because we feel that it is necessary for the evolution of our soul.

Happy New Moon! The Moon is conjoining the Sun in Aquarius, marking an extra electric and eclectic New Moon in the sign of the Water Bearer. Planting new seeds of hope and change is favoured at this time. Which means the possibility for us finding new ways of thinking that can elevate the mind and see our life from a different perspective is high in the next two weeks. Understanding the wisdom within our obstacles can be one of the first steps to finding the solution we have been looking for. 

What hasn't been working in our life and what can we do differently now to change that? How honest have we been in our relationships? And how willing are we to express our mind openly? Speaking from the heart and sharing our true feelings is the next step we can take at this time to build healthier and more authentic interactions. 

Ruling the 11th House in Astrology - or the House of Friends, Groups, Hopes and Dreams, the Aquarian energy is all about bringing people together who share common goals and dreams. How do we feel about the friendships in our life? What can we do to connect with our friends on a deeper and more authentic level? 

Networking and Social Media also fall under this House, because by using social media as a networking tool, we can connect with like-minded people. Perhaps we need to create more specific groups on social media platforms such as Facebook or Google+ to keep in touch with those we have affinity with. Using mobile messaging applications such as WhatsApp, Line, BBM or Snapchat is also another great way to connect and exchange ideas with others - which in turn can help us expand our mind and reignite our creativity.

The Moon is forming a sextile to Saturn and Uranus, and working in harmony with others is our key to success now. Are we having difficulties with people we work with? Because this can be the time to turn our relationships around. Be true to ourself and let the universe know that we are now ready to work with open-mind people of integrity. Affirm that from today onward we will only work with courageous souls who will stand for peace, freedom and fairness. 

Events taking place in the next few weeks will reflect our personality in such a way that we end up being more in tuned with our soul. Step forward with our creative ideas and inspirations as we may come in contact with someone who can help us improve our career in some way. This is also the time to plant seeds of positive thought in people we would like to get to know better. Put out that welcome mat as we never know when someone special can walk into our life and appreciate us for our originality.

With the Moon's square to Mars and quincunx to Jupiter Rx, think about what we need to let go on our way forward that has been pulling us down. Identify anything that is an unhealthy distraction from our priorities. Be very honest with ourself, as this is our inner truth. Perhaps we need to get quiet in our mind and body so that we can listen more closely to what our soul is trying to say. Or perhaps we are feeling tired because we have been spreading ourself too thin. This needs to change now so that our energy and vitality can recharge.

The Moon encourages us to enjoy the joy of sharing the very simple things in life. To release that tight grip we have on life and enjoy some fresh air. To feel the wind on our face and in our hair. Our ingenuity and positive attitude will bring us closer to what we seek. Playfulness, good humour and laughter can also lift our spirit so that we can return to work with renewed perspective and energy. 

The New Moon in Aquarius brings to us a reminder that our power comes from staying centered in a feeling of joy. The feeling of being at one with our soul and our essence. Do not hesitate. Now is the time to accept and embrace our own unique path.

Yaviz Basalamah

New Moon in Aquarius: Conjunct the Sun ● Sextile Saturn in Sagittarius and
Uranus in Aries ● Square Mars in Scorpio ● Quincunx Jupiter Rx in Virgo


For more of my astro updates please go to my Facebook Page.