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September 30th, 2016
New Moon in Libra:
Life is too short to spend it at war with your own heart.
Re-commit to self-respect, self-growth and self-love.
It's about time we returned home to our hearts. It's about time we asked ourselves whether or not we have been deceiving ourselves with our own false conclusions about love. There is a secret place within that is often forgotten. A place where there is no judgments or expectations. A place where acceptance and forgiveness reign. This place is called unconditional love.
Love, in essence, can take many forms. But the conditional forms can often get in our way of truly experiencing unconditional love. Unconditional love, or a love without conditions, in its pure form can empower us to embody our most loving self. It's not the kind of love that we often hear in romantic songs, or that we often say when we're expressing our interest in something or someone.
One of the best ways to spot the difference between conditional and unconditional forms of love is to see if the ego takes part in it. Our ego can limit the room in which unconditional love expresses its truest form, because it contains expectations.
Expecting another person to love us in the exact same way when they aren't able to is not love, but emotional blackmail. This doesn't mean that we should let ourselves feel like a victim of love. This simply means that we are being asked to look at what truly lies beneath the surface.
Before we can love anyone unconditionally, we must first love ourselves. We have to give and express to ourselves the love that may have been missing in our lives. Only then will we be able to recognize unconditional love - which is a spirit of the whole human experience, and from there, gain a deeper connection with the universe.
Our ego can limit the room in which unconditional love expresses
its truest form, because it contains expectations.
Happy New Moon! The Moon is joining Jupiter and the Sun in Libra, marking a super expansive and diplomatic New Moon in the sign of the Scales. The time is ripe for planting new seeds of love and learning. Relationships and their dynamics can come to the forefront now for us to ponder. Wherever there was imbalance, we can start to find new meaning and a way to bring back a sense of balance.
Life offers relationships that are challenging and ones that are nourishing. If we are not content with where we are at the moment, remember that all experiences have their place. There is much to be learned and we will learn if we remain open and objective.
Can we find a way to achieve fairness right now? This is a time for listening and speaking. A time for understanding, as well as asking to be understood. Let our hearts connect to others, and make space for a balanced exchange of ideas and actions.
If we are not content with where we are at the moment,
remember that all experiences have their place.
The Libra Moon is forming a sextile to Saturn in Sagittarius, and we are reminded that we reap what we sow. We may observe an injustice righted and fairly redressed. But first, we are being asked to listen to the calling of our hearts. We will be amazed by the sense of empowerment that emerges within as we stand up for ourselves and others.
Bring back balance in our relationships by sending out love, rather than hate. One thing is for certain, if fairness is our intention, then the imbalances will be resolved for the highest good of all.
With the Moon's square to Mars and Pluto in Capricorn, we may feel pushed beyond our comfort zone, especially if we believe that we have too much to do or not enough time. But Mars and Pluto in Capricorn is asking us to use discernment and assertively set boundaries in choosing to work on a project that's calling to us.
Our long-term loyalty to our goals is also becoming more evident in our lives. If we remain loyal to our dreams and faithful to our plans while staying flexible, we will be shown proof of our true devotion. We can make great progress with our commitment to focus and do the work that we are guided to do.
Mars and Pluto in Capricorn is asking us to use discernment
and assertively set boundaries in choosing to
work on a project that's calling to us.
The Moon is also forming an opposition to Uranus Rx in Aries, and let's be new, think new and open our hearts to new things. It may be time to look at outdated beliefs, old ideas and misplaced trusts. Right now we have an opportunity for important healing, but we need to reflect on the stories we tell ourselves about love, connection, fear, envy and the perception of victimhood.
Are we comparing ourselves to others, thinking that their success should be ours? Are we back where we started, or in a situation that reminds us of past mishaps? Perhaps we are sabotaging ourselves, because deep down we're afraid of all the good that is coming our way? Not only do we need to begin a new story, we also need to forgive ourselves for telling ourselves those old ones.
The New Moon in Libra is guiding us to have new compassion for parts of us that believe in negative self-narratives. To let new energy enters old relationships so that we can renew our connections from a more heart-centered place. To end our heartache by rewriting a new story within us where we are not victims, but warriors of love. It's time to see love, not as a source for drama, but as our greatest teacher.
Yaviz Basalamah
New Moon in Libra: Conjunct Jupiter and the Sun ● Sextile Saturn
in Sagittarius ● Square Mars and Pluto in Capricorn
● Oppose Uranus Rx in Aries
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