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February 26th, 2017
New Moon in Pisces:
Don't let pain crush your confidence. Let it build your resilience.
Recognizing the power in our now is one of the first steps to letting go of fear of the future as well as building and growing our resilience. Realizing the power we have in our now leaves less room for fear to take root and influence our lives. When we permeate our present with fear, we lose our trust in ourselves, and because of this, we also lose our trust in life. By using the present to worry about the future, we rob the joy from today to mourn the joy we may not have tomorrow.
Perhaps we are trying to protect ourselves from pain, because we have been disappointed by life far too many times. When in reality, we are just overwhelming ourselves with endless what-ifs and worst-case scenarios. It's about time that we understood the difference between worrying and problem-solving. Because one revolves around the illusion of control through anticipating difficulties, whereas the other is about defining the problem and identifying the steps to solve it. In other words, one is passive while the other is active.
When we permeate our present with fear, we lose our trust in
ourselves, and because of this, we also lose our trust in life.
Passively worrying limits our minds and prevents us from thinking of alternate scenarios. Instead of wasting our time with worry, we can begin to shift our perspective by asking ourselves, "Is this the only way this experience could play out?" or "What can I learn from this experience so that I don't have to repeat the same problem in the future?" Actively channeling our energy into problem-solving boosts our willpower and builds our resilience through pain and adversity.
By seeing a painful moment as an opportunity to evolve, we can begin the process of shedding the skin of the past and growing newer and thicker skin. By recognizing that an old part of us is dying and a new part of us is emerging, we will see that our lives are unfolding as they should.
By seeing a painful moment as an opportunity to evolve, we can
begin the process of shedding the skin of the past and
growing newer and thicker skin.
Happy New Moon! The Moon is conjoining Mercury, the Sun, Neptune and Chiron in Pisces, marking a magical and healing New Moon in the sign of the Fish. This particular New Moon also happens to be a Solar Eclipse, bringing to light areas in our lives that need to change and guiding us to move from one level of awareness to the next. With a Solar Eclipse happening in one of the Water signs, emotions can be heightened, and with increased sensitivity.
We have learned from our experiences before and we know what works and doesn't work for us. Neptune and Chiron are empowering us to approach life from a meta-level — using our spiritual intelligence to solve problems with more wisdom and compassion without being distracted by drama. Maintaining inner and outer peace shouldn't be about avoidance of reality, but about facing reality with the awareness of and ability to separate the voice of Higher Self from the Ego self.
Neptune and Chiron are empowering us to approach life from
a meta-level — using our spiritual intelligence to solve
problems with more wisdom and compassion.
The Moon in Pisces is forming a sextile to Pluto, and we have the strength and inner courage to stand our ground, no matter how challenging things may appear. We are being asked to stay true to our core values and not succumb to the currents of fear. We have been through so much to get to this point, and scars we acquired have made us who we are today. We may also notice that we have been experimenting with new attitudes and thought patterns, and this feeds our spirit and offers us glimpses of new possibilities.
With the Moon's square to Saturn, we need to stand back for clarity and see the bigger picture. Sometimes blocks and challenges appear on our path to remind us of loose ends that need to be tied up before we can move forward. The Pisces New Moon Solar Eclipse is a time to leave behind what was once familiar in search for new horizons. A time to go within to reclaim our power as well as to reaffirm to ourselves, "I am not my fears. I am not my pain. I have the power to make changes, and I trust the process of my ever-changing and ever-growing life."
Yaviz Basalamah
New Moon in Pisces: Conjunct Mercury, the Sun, Neptune and Chiron
● Sextile Pluto in Capricorn ● Square Saturn in Sagittarius
● Sextile Pluto in Capricorn ● Square Saturn in Sagittarius
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