New Moon in Aries | Jumping the Gun

Photo by Emma Hall

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 March 28th, 2017 

Better three hours too soon than a minute too late.
William Shakespeare

New Moon in Aries:
When in doubt, follow the moon.

When too soon is better than too late. When too much passion is better than too little persistence. Where do we draw the line between doing too much and doing too little? Is moving too fast really is better than moving too slow? The short answer to that question would be sometimes. The next question we should ask ourselves would be whether or not we truly value our time or time in general.

Valuing time doesn't mean that we should try to achieve as many things as possible as soon as possible. Valuing time means having a clear perception of time and what it means to use our time wisely. We may not know what will happen in the future, but we always know what we can do in the present. 

Sometimes jumping the gun or making a snap decision can be more beneficial in the long run than it is to postpone making a decision. Jumping the gun may not always get us to where we want to be. But it can also give us the opportunity to change direction to a path more in alignment with our soul — sooner rather than later.

Valuing time doesn't mean that we should try to achieve
as many things as possible as soon as possible.

At the end of the day, this is about taking that next step, which leads to the next and the next. This is about taking action, knowing that we are on a uniquely personal and individual journey where our soul grows with each step that we take. This is about moving forward, understanding that without action, we can't move through resistance and rise above obstacles.

Today, find the courage to go within, and discover what's buried deep in our soul. Do not let the ego persuade us to dig for things that are not even there. Instead, let the heart guide us to where we truly want to be. Go forward with audacity of hope in our hearts and courage in our souls. Remembering that we are not our mistakes. We are in truth our lessons. Our learning. Our understanding.

At the end of the day, this is about taking that next step,
which leads to the next and the next.

Happy New Moon! The Moon is joining Venus Rx, the Sun, Uranus and Mercury in Aries, marking an extra revitalizing and awakening New Moon in the sign of the Ram. Regardless of all the confusion because of too many things happening at the same time, we can find the strength to pull through. Regardless of all the uncertainty because of too many things changing at a more rapid rate, we can stand up tall and see beyond the horizon.

New Moons are fresh starts. A New Moon in Aries (aka the first sign of the zodiac and ruling the 1st House of the Self), signifies a brand new start on ourselves. Where do we feel we went wrong? Where do we feel we can change for the better because we know better? This is not to blame the past or things we did, but to learn from a place of higher awareness and love. To grow beyond old limiting beliefs and move forward with new determination and understanding of the self.

As we begin following our inner guidance, we will understand why we ignored the signals in the past. The signal to listen to our inner knowing. The signal to stay true to our highest ideals. The signal to get out of our own way and go forward with fervor.

Where do we feel we went wrong? Where do we feel we can
change for the better because we know better?

The Aries Moon is forming a square to Pluto and an opposition to Jupiter Rx, and this is not the time to fear change. Sometimes it takes an extreme wake-up call before we are pushed to change and open a new page in our lives. Yet, we shouldn't wait to hit rock bottom before we are convinced that we need to change because there are things we will regret not doing sooner.

By listening more to our inner knowing, we will increasingly dislike lies we tell ourselves. By staying true to our highest ideals, we will become more committed to our self-care and release self-sabotaging patterns.

We shouldn't wait to hit rock bottom before we are convinced
that we need to change because there are things
we will regret not doing sooner.

With the Moon and Mercury forming a trine to Saturn, the ability to reason and strategize becomes front and center. Take things at face value and follow the logical path for in this moment there is no deeper meaning than what is obvious. We have the sensitivity to focus on steps we need to take next to reclaim our power and reinflame our lives.

A New Moon in Aries is that much-needed chance for regeneration. This is our time to revive opportunities we thought were dead. No matter what lost has occurred in the past, we can be reborn all the time and recreate a new present. Endings may come in many forms, but now is our chance to let whatever isn't working in our life die and to recognize the dawn of our renewed spirit.

Yaviz Basalamah

New Moon in Aries: Conjunct Venus Rx, the Sun, Uranus and Mercury ● Square Pluto
in Capricorn ● Oppose Jupiter Rx in Libra ● Trine Saturn in Sagittarius



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Full Moon in Virgo | Keeping Up With Your Dreams

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 March 12th, 2017 

Full Moon in Virgo: 
Every dream begins with a single thought, a single step, a single decision to try.

When hope doesn't seem to bring our dreams any closer... When giving up feels like the right step to take next... What can we do when faith in our dreams gets shaken? What can we change in order to move closer in the direction of our dreams? One of the most important aspects to examine before deciding to give up is whether or not the road ahead will be detrimental to our well-being.

Know that giving up people or situations that no longer serve our greatest good can actually be a wise choice. What can hold us back is when we decide to give up because of our fear of the unknown or in other words, fear of an uncertain future. Perhaps because of painful past experiences or perhaps because of friends or even families that create fears and limitations based on their own personal perspectives.

Know that giving up people or situations that no longer serve
our greatest good can actually be a wise choice.

What we need to remember when we are on the verge of giving up is that each and every one of us is unique. We are essentially made of different layers, and those layers transform with each experience that we encounter. Whatever blocks we have been coming up against or pain we have been feeling will always pass and we will survive. Whatever didn't work in the past doesn't mean that we are doomed for life. Even if we believe that some scars last for life doesn't mean that we will be the exact same person for the rest of our lives.

When we persevere, we get to know ourselves better and discover new layers within ourselves that we didn't know we had. When we open our mind and heart to new opportunities, we open ourselves to new, unseen possibilities. As we recognize that everything in the world has a rhythm, we will see that beneath each struggle lies an opportunity to transform ourselves from who we are to who we really want to be.

Even if we believe that some scars last for life doesn't mean that
we will be the exact same person for the rest of our lives.

Happy Full Moon! The Moon in Virgo is forming an opposition to Neptune, the Sun, Chiron and Mercury in Pisces, marking a super earthy yet otherworldly Full Moon in the sign of the Virgin. Striking a balance between the material and the spiritual is needed to up our self-awareness to the next level. A Full Moon in an Earth sign presents a culmination of practical steps we have taken since the last New Moon.

Are we happy with the fruits of our labor? Or do we need to find ways to step up our game? Perhaps we have done our best but there still seems to be a lot of work to be done. This Full Moon is about realizing that to keep up with our dreams, we need to cultivate the right mental attitude. This is no longer about whether or not we have done our best, but whether or not we have discovered the spiritual wisdom within our persistence.

Striking a balance between the material and the spiritual is
needed to up our self-awareness to the next level.

The Moon is forming a trine to Mars and Pluto, and we can confidently move forward, knowing that darkness can no longer hide the light of awareness. Imagine how would our lives be different if other people's opinions were of no concern to us? How would we handle each day differently if we lived faithfully to our truth?

We were gifted with the power of authenticity. By living our truth, we can peel off layers of illusion and stop letting others dictate our worth. By living authentically, we can be liberated from belief systems that keep our minds imprisoned and recognize which way we are being pointed — giving us the confidence to move forward on a path most aligned with our highest good.

By living our truth, we can peel off layers of illusion
and stop letting others dictate our worth.

With the Moon's square to Saturn, evaluation of the past along with the lesson that we've learned will enable us to rebuild a new and more solid foundation for our future. Do not let painful memories to intimidate us into quitting. Blocks often appear on our path to move us in a new and different direction.

The Full Moon in Virgo is bringing to us the reminder that surrendering to the unknown is where the magic currently resides. Even if we are unable to see what is ahead, cultivate curiosity rather than resisting change. Even if things do not go exactly as we plan, truly notice and appreciate the deeper messages offered. Know and trust that what seems like an ending is always an opportunity for a new beginning.

Yaviz Basalamah

Full Moon in Virgo: Oppose Neptune, the Sun, Chiron and Mercury in Pisces 
Trine Mars in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn ● Square Saturn in Sagittarius 



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