Photo by Ben Blennerhassett
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May 25th, 2017
New Moon in Gemini:
Speaking your truth is one of the highest forms
of respect you can give yourself.
How aware are we of the words that come out of our mouths?
How aware are we of the impact our words can have on others?
Are we honest with ourselves about who we really are in the world?
To speak our truth we must first be honest with ourselves. We all have parts of our personalities we want to hide because we are afraid if people see our 'real' selves, they won't like us anymore. But the more we lie about ourselves, the more we sabotage ourselves from true, authentic connections.
Being truthful is not about sharing all our secrets with everybody. Being truthful is not about telling everybody what we think and feel without considering their feelings. Being truthful is more about accepting our own strengths and weaknesses, our blessings and flaws, our joys and sorrows.
Being truthful is not about telling everybody what we
think and feel without considering their feelings.
Perhaps we don't want to speak our truth because we want to protect ourselves from harm. This is not about forcing ourselves to do something we don't want to do — because we simply have always done what we needed to do in order to survive. This is about the sense of honesty, integrity and trust we have within us to remain real with ourselves and others.
When we don't feel real, everything and everyone around us will feel unreal. When we are not aligned with our true path, our journey will seem more challenging with no firm ground to stand on.
In order to listen to our truth, we need to find that stillness and silence within. How can we hear ourselves if we are always rushing? Our truth resides in that silent space. Our inner voice speaks in our moments of peace and quiet. As we begin to peel layers of untruths within, we begin unmasking an inner truth where opportunities for growth, innovation and change abound.
When we don't feel real, everything and
everyone around us will feel unreal.
Happy New Moon! The Moon is joining the Sun and Mars in Gemini, marking a super chatty and restless New Moon in the sign of the Twins. Do we have the freedom to say what we really feel? How well do we convey our message to the world? Can we really strike a perfect balance between speaking and listening?
When we are listening, it is important to notice whether we are listening to reply, or to understand. When we are listening to reply, we are only focusing on what we want to hear. But when we are listening to understand, we stop jumping to conclusions and try to see the bigger picture.
This doesn't mean that we have to agree with everything we hear. This simply means that we can open our minds and try to understand someone else's point of view without having to agree with them. At the end of the day, speaking our minds shouldn't be about making someone else wrong. But about communicating honestly from a judgment-free space to express our authentic self and form more honest bonds.
When we are listening to understand, we stop jumping to
conclusions and try to see the bigger picture.
The Moon in Gemini is forming a square to Neptune and Chiron, and we realize that other people's opinions have no control over our lives. Each one of us is on our own unique journey, and other people disapproving of us is not a sign that we are on the wrong track. This can actually be an opportunity to create a new space for us to reflect on what truly matters.
This is the time to stop looking at what everyone else is doing and keep our eyes on our path. Not to be selfish, but to give ourselves and others the chance to grow, to learn, and to evolve.
The Gemini Moon is also forming a sextile to Venus and Uranus, and we can make a commitment to the importance of our priorities. We understand that as we stay strong in our commitment to follow-through, we value ourselves more and open our world to new possibilities.
Sometimes we need to admit our feelings to ourselves and face our inner truth. Only we know what it is we need to prioritize. Only we know what it is we truly desire. And only by admitting our true feelings to ourselves can we begin the process of change. Change doesn't have to be drastic. Change can be a single step in a new direction.
Change doesn't have to be drastic. Change
can be a single step in a new direction.
With the Moon's opposition to Saturn Rx, we get to slow down, breathe, and start anew. Sometimes blocks show up to remind us to stop to smell the roses and release the darkness. With so many distractions, we forget that each breath is precious. When we remember the wisdom in patience, we can savor each moment and see more clearly.
The New Moon in Gemini is a time to trust our instincts, stay the course and breathe. To proclaim our truth - knowing that we are safe in our willingness to be transparent, and remain open in our communication with ourselves and others. To know that being authentic is not about being egocentric, but more about looking at the real, honest truth about our thoughts, feelings and beliefs and finding the courage to share them from a place of awareness and set ourselves free.
Yaviz Basalamah
New Moon in Gemini: Conjunct the Sun and Mars ● Square Neptune
and Chiron ● Sextile Venus and Uranus ● Oppose Saturn Rx
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