New Moon in Leo | Rewriting the Rules

Photo by Averie Woodard

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 July 23rd, 2017 

New Moon in Leo:
Challenge old beliefs, break new ground, shatter your
inner glass ceiling and claim your light.

Are we repeating the same mistakes? Are we inclined to focus on negative experiences rather than positive ones? The past rather than the future? What can we learn from our past mistakes and what can we do differently in the future? Oftentimes, it can be hard to always be fully aware of what we are paying attention to and why. And this is the reason why it can be hard to kick bad habits or stick to our personal core values. 

When we put our focus on past mistakes or negative experiences, we can lose our hope in the future. And when we lose hope, we tend to repeat the same mistakes. Know that focusing on our past mistakes shouldn't be about condemning what we did or didn't do, but more about giving ourselves the opportunity to slow down and reflect. Focusing on our future shouldn't also be about fearing the unknown, but more about figuring out what we can achieve if we avoid the same old pitfalls.

When we lose hope, we tend to repeat the same mistakes.

By paying more attention to our personal values, we can confront our unconscious belief systems and find new ways to address them. Why do we keep repeating the same mistakes? Is it because we are afraid of progress? Or is it because by extinguishing our own hopes, we can protect ourselves from the rejection that has already happened in the past? 

The pain we know may be familiar, but this is not about familiarizing ourselves with our wounds. This is more about mastering and changing our present. Are we ready to challenge those old self-defeating beliefs and break new ground? Are we ready to let go of the need to know what's next? Begin by shattering our inner glass ceiling and rise above disempowering beliefs. Rewrite the rules, because only by changing our stories can we live our truth and let our true light shine.

The pain we know may be familiar, but this is not about
familiarizing ourselves with our wounds.

Happy New Moon! The Moon is joining the Sun, Mars and Mercury in Leo, marking a super expressive and ambitious New Moon in the sign of the Lion. As we believe more in ourselves, we lift ourselves up and purify our intentions so that they are aligned with our soul purpose. If we have been feeling anxious or irritable lately, now is the time to use those negative emotions to fuel our creativity. 

Channeling strong emotions such as anger, fear, grief, frustration, disappointment and using them as a creative fuel can help us return to balance and equilibrium. Turning negativity into a creative action can be especially cathartic at this time. In this way, rather than letting strong negative emotions to consume or overwhelm us, we honor their power to inspire and move us in a positive direction.

As we believe more in ourselves, we lift ourselves up and purify
our intentions so that they are aligned with our soul purpose.

The Moon is forming a sextile to Jupiter and Venus, and love heals fear. We have come to a point in our lives where what matters most in our interactions is how we choose to react to others. Instead of angrily obsessing or allowing another person's behavior to pull us down, we choose a higher path of reaction such as taking care of ourselves and finding empowering solutions. 

Heart-to-heart conversations can also deepen relationships at this time, helping us to understand one another better and bringing us closer to each other. We are here to break the cycle of passive-aggressive behaviors by learning new ways of communicating our thoughts. By bringing issues and feelings out in the open, we create a more truthful environment where we can approach conflict in healthy ways rather than avoiding conflict altogether.

We are here to break the cycle of passive-aggressive behaviors
by learning new ways of communicating our thoughts.

With the Moon's trine to Saturn Rx and Uranus, we remember that a dream can be manifested one step at a time. It can feel overwhelming when we don't know what step to take. Divine inspiration comes from listening with our hearts and minds to the Aha! ideas we receive. It's also important to incorporate playfulness into our daily lives to reduce stress and discover our inner joy. For example, we can express our playfulness while working at the office or exercising at the gym, because when we are playful, we lift up the energy of everyone around us. 

Remember that working hard is not about promising ourselves that we will have fun someday once we have reached every goal we set for ourselves. The New Moon in Leo brings to us the reminder that we can still have our own version of fun while fulfilling our responsibilities. That we can pour joy into everything we do in the present and bring back our faith and optimism for the future. That we can get out of our own way and claim our light — not only because we deserve it, but also because being authentic is a form of self-respect and self-love.

Yaviz Basalamah

New Moon in Leo: Conjunct the Sun, Mars and Mercury ● Sextile
Jupiter in Libra and Venus in Gemini ● Trine Saturn Rx
in Sagittarius and Uranus in Aries



For more of my astro updates please go to my Facebook Page.

Full Moon in Capricorn | Moving On (Mini Post)

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez

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 July 9th, 2017 

You wanna fly, you got to give up the shit that weighs you down.
Toni Morrison

Full Moon in Capricorn:
I have the wisdom and the strength to keep moving forward
in the direction of my goals and dreams.

Where do we go from here? How do we get from where we are today to where we want to be tomorrow? Are we ready to close the door to the past and open the door to our future? There comes a time in everyone's life, when, for different reasons it's necessary to let things go and move forward. Not only because things have gotten too heavy to carry, but also because the present has become colourless and disconnected. 

Know that disruption often appears in our lives to get us to change and move out of our comfort zones. Each disruption brings with it the opportunity to change, and how we deal with those disruptions determines the change. We want to remind ourselves that the only thing constant in life is change. By learning to adapt to new changes, we open a pathway out of our comfort zones and into a new season in our lives. By realizing that we are in the driver's seat, we can we respond to circumstances with a deeper sense of ownership, accountability and responsibility. 

When we remember that we are always in control, which is not the same as being controlling, we become more free to think, feel and be anything we want. Feeling more free begins with eliminating victim talk from our vocabulary and owning our choices. By saying that we can't or we should or shouldn't, we are claiming that we have no control over our situation. When we eliminate the use of victim phrases, we can start taking life by the reigns and steer it wherever we want to go.

This doesn't mean that there won't be any bumps on the road, but there is wisdom in recognizing the power in being solution-oriented. So get in there, trust our intuition by tuning in to our inner compass and following our inspiration. Employ positive thinking by keeping our thoughts in a positive direction. Respect ourselves by participating in the world and fulfilling our dreams. Happiness does come from moving forward.

Yaviz Basalamah

Full Moon in Capricorn: Sextile Neptune Rx in Pisces ● Conjunct
Pluto Rx ● Oppose the Sun and Mars in Cancer ● Square
Jupiter in Libra and Uranus in Aries


For more of my astro updates please go to my Facebook Page.