New Moon Solar Eclipse in Leo | Connecting the Dots to Inner Power

Photo by Suhyeon Choi

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 August 21st, 2017 

True communication is communion - the realization of oneness, which is love.
Eckhart Tolle

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Leo:
True communication begins with true listening.

Are we really listening to our inner voice? Are we really following our inner guidance system? How can we access more of our soul's infinite wisdom? Sometimes we wonder whether we should listen to our heart or our mind. In truth, we should always follow our heart, but also take into account what our mind has to say. This is not whether or not one is better than the other. This is more about the importance of truly listening to that inner voice. 

So where is this inner voice? Is it in the mind? Or in the heart? In essence, our inner voice comes from the soul. It's the voice that speaks when we find time to silence the outside world and listen to ourselves. Peace and quiet is where this voice resides. When our daily lives are overwhelmed with noise and distraction, it's harder to connect with our soul and listen to what it has to say. Finding a quiet moment alone and feeling more present in ourselves (even for five minutes a day) can help us regain our center and listen to our soul's inner wisdom. 

In truth, we should always follow our heart, but also
take into account what our mind has to say.

The same goes with our daily interactions. The way we communicate with others reflects the way we communicate with ourselves. Do we listen to reply? Or do we listen to understand? When we are listening to reply, we are less present in ourselves and hence only focusing on what we want to hear. But when we are listening to understand, we are more present in ourselves and the conversation and hence able to see the bigger picture and stop jumping to conclusions. 

When we are willing to truly listen (whether to what another person or our inner voice has to say), we will be able to speak more truthfully from the heart, and therefore able to connect on a deeper level - not only with others, but also with ourselves.

The way we communicate with others reflects
the way we communicate with ourselves.

Happy New Moon Solar Eclipse! The Moon is conjoining Mars and the Sun in Leo, marking a revelatory and transformational New Moon in the sign of the Lion. This is the second New Moon happening consecutively in the same sign (the last one on July 23rd), although this time coinciding with a Solar Eclipse - a time when the Moon completely blocks out the Sun. What do we wish to reveal? What do we wish to keep concealed? What are we ready to change and let go of? And what are we ready to accept and embrace? 

As we connect more closely to our truth, we become more in alignment with who we truly are and let go of anything that no longer serves us. A New Moon Solar Eclipse is also a great time to release resentments and forgive. Who do we need to forgive? Why has it been hard for us to let the heavy burdens go? Forgiveness is not about condoning what the other person did to us, but more about setting our hearts free from anger and hatred and embracing our future with new hope and faith.

Who do we need to forgive? Why has it been
hard for us to let the heavy burdens go?

With the Moon forming a sextile to Jupiter, what internal messages have we been receiving lately? Perhaps an inspired thought to make positive changes, to learn more about ourselves, to change our diet and exercise habits, or anything that will bring us closer to embodying our most authentic selves. Being true to ourselves is not only about changing the way we look or the way we act, but also about living in accordance with our deepest values and our heart's deepest promises. It may not be easy at first, but this is about taking that first step of our journey to deeper authenticity.

The Moon is also forming a trine to Saturn Rx and Uranus Rx, and we are reminded that sometimes, out of the blue, life has a way of orchestrating a Divine intervention. It's a matter of being ready to receive. Humility is called for now, because grace opens the door to unseen possibilities. To be who we aspire to be, we can no longer do what we did. In a way, we have hit rock bottom, and there is no other way now but up.

To be who we aspire to be, we can no longer do what we did.

A Leo New Moon Solar Eclipse is that opportune time to pick ourselves up, and rebuild our foundation in the way we wish we'd been all along. We have no choice but to face ourselves painfully and honestly. When we hit rock bottom, we are reminded of how far off course we were, and that our life choices were no longer sustainable. When we hit our lowest point, we begin questioning everything that we've ever thought to be true and build a new foundation based on our renewed sense of truth. We begin to look up, pushing ourselves up to the surface, away from the darkness and back into the light, knowing that a new and more solid ground awaits.

Yaviz Basalamah

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Leo: Conjunct Mars and the Sun ● Sextile Jupiter
in Libra ● Trine Saturn Rx  in Sagittarius and Uranus Rx in Aries



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Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius | The Power of Self-Approval

Photo by Aziz Acharki

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 August 7th, 2017 

Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how
anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us. 
Stephen R. Covey

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius:
Don't trade in your authenticity for approval.

Celebrate the storm, knowing that you were growing into your whole, authentic self.

Commemorate the heartbreak, realizing that you were learning your heart's resilience. 

Honor the pain, understanding that you were discovering your soul's true courage. 

Approving of ourselves begins when we respect ourselves enough to stop giving others the power to control us with their opinions. This is not the same as being stubborn or selfish, because stubbornness and selfishness often come from fear of truth. Whereas approving of ourselves comes from trusting ourselves and respecting our beliefs, values and truths. 

Being self-approving also doesn't mean that we are always able to make the right decisions or that everything is in perfect balance. It means that we are willing to rise above negative self-judgments, learn from our mistakes and move forward stronger, wiser and more aware. With the power of self-approval, comes the capacity to take our lives off autopilot as we set off on a journey where we can flourish, thrive and own our authentic unique selves.

Approving of ourselves begins when we respect ourselves
enough to stop giving others the power to
control us with their opinions.

Happy Full Moon Lunar Eclipse! The Moon in Aquarius is forming an opposition to Mars and the Sun in Leo, marking a super electric and revolutionary Full Moon in the sign of the Water-Bearer. With a Lunar Eclipse happening at the same time (a time when the Earth is exactly between the Sun and the Moon), we get to look beyond the superficial and see the truth more clearly. 

Are we judging ourselves too harshly? Perhaps we don't trust our own abilities, choices and achievements, and because of that, it's hard to practice unconditional love for ourselves. Know that self-approval shouldn't be about proving ourselves to anyone, or that we have to be perfect and never experience another moment of doubt. It is more about recognizing our right to self-determination, self-expression, self-respect and ultimately, self-love. And how do we go about doing that? By simply remembering our humanity, our infinite nature, our truth.

Are we judging ourselves too harshly?

With the Moon forming a trine to Jupiter, we realize that change can be an adventure. When we think about change, what thoughts and feelings come to us? What areas of our lives need to change so that we can go forward in much stronger direction - one which is more in alignment with our personal vision and mission? Instead of seeing change as something stressful and worrisome - because of our fear of the unknown, see change as a spiritual path where we can always learn, grow and heal. 

The change may not be easy or make sense at this time, but it will make sense several years from now when we look back on how everything is woven together. The clock is ringing inside of us, calling us to get up and make some personal changes. It is an internal pressure, pushing us to take positive action and renew our faith, confidence and motivation in living a more authentic life.

The clock is ringing inside of us, calling us to get up
and make some personal changes.

The Moon is also forming a sextile to Saturn Rx and Uranus Rx, and we ask ourselves, 'Am I ready to commit to my truth?' What does it mean to commit to one's truth? Does it mean being truthful all the time? Or is it about doing whatever we want whenever we want? To live our deepest truths is to become one with our core values, strengths, power and love. By living our truth, we also open our eyes to different people from different cultures with different truths and the interconnections between them all.

With both Saturn and Uranus being the old and new planetary rulers of Aquarius, we are being guided to explore old truths and new ideas. A Full Moon in the sign of Aquarius brings to us the opportunity to take a fearless look at ourselves and understand our true motivations and reactions. Begin by exploring our relationship with truth and questioning our fears regarding truth. Remember that by living a truth-centered life, we can move from a sense of powerlessness, anxiety and fear, to a life filled with more empowerment, never-ending curiosity and fearless adventures.

Yaviz Basalamah

Full Moon in Aquarius: Oppose Mars and the Sun in Leo ● Trine Jupiter
in Libra ● Sextile Saturn Rx in Sagittarius and Uranus Rx in Aries



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