New Moon in Virgo | Rediscovering the Present (Mini Post)

Photo by Sarah Dorweiler

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 September 20th, 2017 

New Moon in Virgo:
Feeling at home in your life begins with feeling at home in your soul.

Where you feel most at home is where your authenticity resides. 

Where you feel most at peace is where your wisdom resides. 

So where do we truly feel most at home? Where do we find the most peace? Is it by the fireplace at home? Or on the beach at sunrise? Is it while getting lost in the woods? Or while hiking in the mountains?

Wherever it may be, finding some time to de-stress, away from the hustle and bustle of daily life, can help us to reconnect with ourselves. It's important to know where our go-to destinations for unplugging and recharging, because stress not only clutters our minds but also the source of many physical health problems. 

Taking care of the clutter in our homes is also another great way to help us 'reorganize' our lives. We can start by asking ourselves, what would we replace if we lost everything? By being more mindful before we bring something new into our lives, we can ensure the only things we add are things that we truly want, love and need instead of things that keep up space. 

Focusing on the present can also help us reclaim our inner peace, because stress often comes from living in the past or the future. Whether it's regretting something that we have done or worrying about what to do next, by choosing to focus more on the present we can keep our problems in perspective. Sometimes, we focus so much on our problems that we forget all the blessings that we have received in our lives. 

A New Moon is Virgo brings to us the chance to remember how blessed we actually are. We are reminded that life unfolds in the present and that we are only misusing the precious seconds of our lives by worrying about the future or brooding over the past. Living in the moment, which is another term for mindfulness, is a state where we are more engaged, more open and more aware of the present. 

Know that living in the moment is not about dwelling on our present worries or mind-chatter, but more about cultivating deeper awareness of our personal power in the present moment. This also doesn't mean that we should avoid what is bothering us, but more about moving toward it from a place of acceptance, and then directing our attention back to our personal power.

As we draw our next breath, feel the power in our souls and the light in our hearts. This is it. We are here, alive, aware and ready for our brand new beginning where we feel more at home, not only in our souls, but also in our lives.

Yaviz Basalamah

New Moon in Virgo: Conjunct Mars, Mercury and the Sun ● Oppose Neptune Rx and
Chiron Rx in Pisces ● Trine Pluto Rx in Capricorn ● Square Saturn in Sagittarius


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Full Moon in Pisces | Surrendering to the Soul

Photo by Timothy Paul Smith

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 September 6th, 2017 

Full Moon in Pisces:
The ego surrenders to the lies to avoid the truth. The
soul surrenders to the truth to avoid the lies.

When the truth speaks louder than the lies.

When the pain of truth is better than the joy of lies.

When the lies step aside to make way for the truth, that's when you know the soul is speaking.

That's when you know you no longer have room for lies in your life. Sometimes the lies get so loud, that the truth gets even louder to get you to hear more clearly. Sometimes the lies get so big, that the truth gets even bigger to get you to see the best way forward. 

When you are ready for the truth, the lies become irrelevant. When you are ready to see the truth, the lies dissipate. We have the power to listen to the voice of the soul. We have the power to open our eyes and see the blinding light of lies.

When you are ready to see the truth, the lies dissipate.

Sometimes, we tell ourselves half truths because we are not ready for pure truth. Other times, we tell ourselves half lies because we are not ready for pure honesty. Lies can only come from telling lies. And truth can only come from speaking the truth.

This doesn't mean that we should live without tact and excessively tell the truth, but rather to recognize the difference between lying for the sake of lying and being tactful in our delivery of truth. Because constantly voicing our opinions, feelings and beliefs without caring about how they affect others can actually be more detrimental rather than helpful. 

We can start by looking at the lies we tell ourselves, whether it's a feeling that we don't deserve love, that we don't deserve happiness, that we are not enough or simply anything that only creates more doubts and fears in our minds. Once we eradicate these false beliefs we have about ourselves, what we get is a stronger and more solid sense of confidence in ourselves and our abilities.

Recognize the difference between lying for the sake of lying
and being tactful in our delivery of truth.

Happy Full Moon! The Moon is joining Neptune Rx and Chiron Rx in Pisces forming an opposition to Mars and the Sun in Virgo, marking a super intuitive and expressive Full Moon in the sign of the Fish. If we couldn't see our personal power before, we can open our eyes to it now. If we couldn't distinguish reality from fantasy before, we can draw a clearer line between them now. 

Know that recognizing reality shouldn't be about leaving behind our fantasies altogether. But more about putting them in their rightful place, understanding that at the end of the day both reality and fantasy serve a purpose, which is listening to our inner wisdom and fulfilling our highest potentials. 

Ruling the 12th House in astrology and having Neptune as the planetary ruler, a Full Moon in the sign of Pisces brings to us the opportunity for a soulful renewal - a culmination of our spiritual journey, what we've learnt and what we've come to understand. Are we ready to go to the next level of awareness? The choice is in our own hands.

If we couldn't distinguish reality from fantasy before,
we can draw a clearer line between them now.

With the Moon forming a sextile to Pluto Rx, it's time for us to trust, have faith and believe. Some of our painful moments — moments when it seems like we hit rock bottom, are actually moments of revelation. Try to find the blessings in disguise, because everything in our lives can be a teaching experience, helping us to learn and grow. 

No experience is ever a waste of time, because each is filled with opportunities for mental, emotional and spiritual growth. Our job is not to try to lead a perfect life, but to discover our personal power through life's ups and downs and to own our spirit to keep moving forward.

No experience is ever a waste of time, because each is filled with
opportunities for mental, emotional and spiritual growth.

The Moon is also forming a square to Saturn, and we realize that a part of growing and evolving is letting go. Whether it's letting go of old beliefs and values, letting go of old habits, letting go of old relationships, letting go of old belongings or anything that no longer serves a purpose in our lives. There may be a sense of loss, or an identity crisis, but there is also an opportunity for change and transformation. 

A Pisces Full Moon is a time of surrendering to the soul, because that's where the truth resides. A time of spiritual renewal, because we are in the process of rebuilding the foundations of our faith. A regeneration is assured. A new life awaits. Do not dwell on the past, so that we can create space for a renewed spirit and a shift of awareness - helping us to move forward with new hope, new faith, new healing, new aspirations and new enlightenment.

Yaviz Basalamah

Full Moon in Pisces: Conjunct Neptune Rx and Chiron Rx ● Oppose Mars and the Sun
in Virgo ● Sextile Pluto Rx in Capricorn ● Square Saturn in Sagittarius



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