Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo | Working It

Photo by Quentin Keller

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 January 31st, 2018 

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo:
I'm gonna work it because this is my truth.

Are you working it? Are you walking in your truth? Are you maximizing your potential and living your dreams? Maximizing our potential begins when we stop listening to our self-limiting beliefs because we can see that they are the voice of the negative ego. Living our dreams begins when we start listening to our truth and walk from a place of deep authenticity. 

People who achieve their dreams don't get there by chance. They know their purpose when they start their journey, and they kept that intention alive as they move forward. Knowing our purpose is not about walking forward blindly toward our goals. It's about looking more closely at what we are looking for, in order to see more detail — to magnify that which we want. And then it's about taking action and moving toward it with a sharper focus. 

Moving toward our dreams also requires clear faith, where we feel more in alignment with our personal sense of empowerment. A study by Dr. Masaru Emoto revealed that our words and thoughts do impact every cell in our bodies. With the ability to affect our entire being, more empowering self-statements can increase our self-esteem and self-confidence.

Realizing that there is always room for development and evolution can also stop us from feeling stuck in our old ways. To develop and maximize our potential, devote ourselves to becoming  a lifelong learner. From there, we can begin investing back in ourselves and proceed forward from a place of never-ending growth, resilience and transformation.

Living our dreams begins when we start listening to our truth
and walk from a place of deep authenticity.

Happy Full Moon Lunar Eclipse! The Moon in Leo is forming an opposition to Mercury, the Sun and Venus in Aquarius marking an extra revolutionary Full Moon in the sign of the Lion. With a Lunar Eclipse happening at the same time, we get an extra oomph on what it means to evolve and become more of our authentic selves. A Lunar Eclipse happening in the sign of the Lion brings to us the opportunity to look at our Shadow Self in order to embrace our Light Self. 

Understand that motivation alone is not enough for us to live from a more authentic point of view. It still takes effort to develop our personal potential. By not only focusing on our strengths (Light Self), but also on our challenges (Shadow Self), we can start developing those unique qualities. As a result, we can begin to cultivate a more loving faith in ourselves and boost our belief in our ability to achieve more.

Realizing that there is always room for development
and evolution can also stop us from feeling
stuck in our old ways.

The Moon is forming a square to Jupiter in Scorpio, and we are reminded that honoring our story begins with honoring our spirit. It may be difficult sometimes to understand painful things, yet how we respond to life's challenges is how we rise up to greet our destiny. As we become more aware of what we can and cannot change, peace comes from recognizing that what we can control is our own attitude.

With the Moon's trine to Mars in Sagittarius and Uranus in Aries, we can rock it! We are called to release our doubts and express our true selves. Magic is all around, so let go of fear and allow courage to lead us from this point forward. As we ready ourselves for a leap of faith, we will find that the only way we can move forward now is by answering the call of the spirit to live our lives more authentically from the soul.

Yaviz Basalamah

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo: Oppose Mercury, the Sun and Venus in Aquarius ●
Square Jupiter in Scorpio ● Trine Mars in Sagittarius and Uranus in Aries


For more of my astro updates please go to my Facebook Page.

New Moon in Capricorn | New Dreams, New Drive

Photo by Martin Robles

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 January 16th, 2018 

New Moon in Capricorn:
Without drive and determination, your dreams can't move forward.

Where did the dreams go? Where did the drive go? When was the last time we felt so enthusiastic about our dreams that we could see it so clearly in our head what we wanted to achieve? Perhaps we no longer have the same dreams. Perhaps we no longer believe in those dreams we used to have. Or perhaps we have given up entirely and have stopped trying to achieve new dreams. Whatever the case may be, our dreams are very much alive within us, waiting for our drive to return. Waiting for us to have new hope and new faith. 

This is not about us blindly moving forward in spite of circumstances. This is about us releasing old self-limiting beliefs and welcoming new confidence and self-empowerment. This is about us opening our eyes, heart and mind to new opportunities and possibilities. This is about us redefining our sense of purpose and what it means to actively choose to keep moving forward. Even if the direction we are heading in might be different than we previously planned, the important thing is that we keep going on our journey and keep learning about ourselves through the process. 

Begin celebrating small milestones, because in this way we can experience success at each point along the way. Start developing a new sense of self-awareness, one in which we can not only thrive from gaining confidence in our strengths, but also through learning from our weaknesses. We may have confidence in some areas and not in others — but we can always choose to either focus on those areas where we feel inadequate, or draw from those areas where we feel self-assured.

Our dreams are very much alive within us,
waiting for our drive to return.

Happy New Moon! The Moon is joining Mercury, Saturn, Pluto, the Sun and Venus in Capricorn, marking a super ambitious and passionate New Moon in the sign of the mountain goat. With a stellium of 6 planets in the same sign, the deepest and most personal qualities of the sign are brought to the surface for us to experience and explore. Capricornians are known for their ambitious nature as well as their practical approach to achieving their goals and dreams. 

A New Moon in the sign of Capricorn brings to us the opportunity to cultivate a new sense of self-confidence where we can begin to tap into our strengths and trust our capabilities. What is a goal that we have always wanted to achieve and haven't? This is our chance to build certainty and confidence by building on successes, even small ones, and free ourselves from our limiting story.

Begin celebrating small milestones, because in this way we
can experience success at each point along the way.

The Moon is forming a sextile to Neptune and Chiron in Pisces, and we are once again reminded to be mindful of the present moment. The past is over, and the future hasn't happened yet. Take a moment to allow ourselves to be aware of the wonders of the world as well as the divine guidance that helps those ordinary miracles unfold. As we continue to live with awareness, we free ourselves from the burden of rushing things up and create more space for miracles to unfold.

The Moon is also forming a sextile to Jupiter and Mars in Scorpio, and we understand that success doesn't come without hard work, discipline and dedication. It's time for us to go in the direction of our dreams, even if they seem impossible now. Determination, commitment and a burning passion to see our dreams come to fruition will help us achieve any goal our intuition guides us toward.

With the Moon's square to Uranus in Aries, we are reminded that we have the right to change our life. As we remain curious, open and flexible, we also take responsibility for ourselves, our life and our happiness. Cultivate curiosity, and trust the process of change and learning. In between what was and what will be, is a state of unmasking where let go of what no longer serves us and let in growth, resilience, instinct and tenacity.

Yaviz Basalamah

New Moon in Capricorn: Conjunct Mercury, Saturn, Pluto, the Sun
and Venus ● Sextile Neptune/Chiron in Pisces and Jupiter
/Mars in Scorpio ● Square Uranus in Aries


For more of my astro updates please go to my Facebook Page.

Full Moon in Cancer | New Emotions, New Strength

Photo by Mohamed Nohassi

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 January 2nd, 2018 

Full Moon in Cancer:
Emotions may come and go, but they bring opportunities
for growth, and the wisdom that comes with your
growth is your greatest story to the world.

As we welcome the new year, let's also welcome new opportunities for growth where we can become more authentic and true to ourselves. 2017 has brought us new emotions, new people and new experiences. Each of those experiences has brought us new lessons, new growth and new transformation. What are we ready to welcome in 2018? And what are we ready to leave behind in 2017? 

Perhaps it's time to leave behind our fears and doubts because they have been hindering our progress and growth. Perhaps it's time to leave behind things that make us unhappy because we realize it's not our role to be a puppet that conforms to ideals set by others. 

Perhaps it's time to leave behind jealousy and comparing ourselves to others because we are all walking entirely different paths and other people's milestones will always be different than ours. Perhaps it really is time to leave behind the past because it has served its purpose and now is our time to walk down a new road where we feel more aligned with who we truly are on the inside. 

Moving forward is not easy for some of us, because some of us may not be ready to let go. Some of us may not be ready to forgive. Some of us may not be ready to change. What we need to remember is that letting go, forgiveness and change don't always have to be about other people. But more about forgiving ourselves for our past mistakes and cultivating more kindness toward ourselves by living our purpose.

What we need to remember is that letting go, forgiveness and
change don't always have to be about other people.

Happy Full Moon! The Moon in Cancer is forming an opposition to Saturn, Venus, the Sun and Pluto in Capricorn, marking an extra radical and emotional Full Moon in the sign of the Crab. The Moon feels at home in Cancer. As Cancer's planetary ruler, the Moon brings the sign's deepest and most personal qualities to the surface. 

Tenacity, loyalty, sensitivity and intuitiveness are some of the positive qualities the Full Moon can bring out, while pessimism, moodiness, the tendency to take hurts to heart and the inability to forgive easily are some of the negative qualities the Cancerian Full Moon can also bring out. 

Commit to making a change — not the kind of change that makes us forget who we really are, but the kind of change that will actually make us remember who we truly are. Get clear and admit why we hold on to our hurts. Why do we think they serve us? By willing to make a change and recognize the lessons in our experiences, we can begin to repair our self-understanding and gain new confidence.

Begin looking at those who already lived authentically and observe a pattern of traits they master. Authentic people accept their life experiences and they also don't repress their feelings. They understand that anxiety and guilt arise from not living in the present. And instead of creating more anxiety by doubting their own ability to handle future challenges, they experience life challenges from a place of learning, growth and evolution.

Get clear and admit why we hold on to our hurts.

The Moon is forming a trine to Mars and Jupiter in Scorpio, and we create new rules based on the standards that truly resonate with us now. We understand that having courage means to live our lives based on what we believe is right for us. We don't allow fears to prevent us from being truly ourselves. Instead, we focus on being true to ourselves in every moment, because doing so allows us to be less concerned about potential rejection from others. 

The Moon is also forming a trine to Neptune and Chiron in Pisces, bringing to us the opportunity to forgive and love ourselves more fully. Instead of replaying bad choices in our head, consider how we can learn from our past so that we can do better as we move forward. Instead of punishing ourselves by making ourselves feel unworthy, be kind to ourselves because we can only ever do our best with the knowledge and understanding that we have at the time.

With the Moon's square to Uranus Rx in Aries, the key lies in our willingness to grow emotionally. We are at the end of the road, and it's time to move on to new experiences and a new way of being and feeling. Even if it appears that we've reached the end of the line, all is not lost. Our soul knows that our destiny is unfolding in perfect timing.

A Full Moon in the sign of Cancer brings to us the reminder that at the end of the day, home is where the heart is. It is about time that we trusted ourselves and felt at home in our own skin - which is a sign of claiming our dignity, integrity and authenticity. When we live from a place of authenticity, the world reflects back to us what is in our highest good. Besides, nothing is more liberating than being ourselves as fully as we know how.

Yaviz Basalamah

Full Moon in Cancer: Oppose Saturn, Venus, the Sun and Pluto in Capricorn
● Trine Mars/Jupiter in Scorpio and Neptune/Chiron
in Pisces ● Square Uranus Rx in Aries


For more of my astro updates please go to my Facebook Page.