Photo by Quentin Keller
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January 31st, 2018
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo:
I'm gonna work it because this is my truth.
Are you working it? Are you walking in your truth? Are you maximizing your potential and living your dreams? Maximizing our potential begins when we stop listening to our self-limiting beliefs because we can see that they are the voice of the negative ego. Living our dreams begins when we start listening to our truth and walk from a place of deep authenticity.
People who achieve their dreams don't get there by chance. They know their purpose when they start their journey, and they kept that intention alive as they move forward. Knowing our purpose is not about walking forward blindly toward our goals. It's about looking more closely at what we are looking for, in order to see more detail — to magnify that which we want. And then it's about taking action and moving toward it with a sharper focus.
Moving toward our dreams also requires clear faith, where we feel more in alignment with our personal sense of empowerment. A study by Dr. Masaru Emoto revealed that our words and thoughts do impact every cell in our bodies. With the ability to affect our entire being, more empowering self-statements can increase our self-esteem and self-confidence.
Realizing that there is always room for development and evolution can also stop us from feeling stuck in our old ways. To develop and maximize our potential, devote ourselves to becoming a lifelong learner. From there, we can begin investing back in ourselves and proceed forward from a place of never-ending growth, resilience and transformation.
Living our dreams begins when we start listening to our truth
and walk from a place of deep authenticity.
Happy Full Moon Lunar Eclipse! The Moon in Leo is forming an opposition to Mercury, the Sun and Venus in Aquarius marking an extra revolutionary Full Moon in the sign of the Lion. With a Lunar Eclipse happening at the same time, we get an extra oomph on what it means to evolve and become more of our authentic selves. A Lunar Eclipse happening in the sign of the Lion brings to us the opportunity to look at our Shadow Self in order to embrace our Light Self.
Understand that motivation alone is not enough for us to live from a more authentic point of view. It still takes effort to develop our personal potential. By not only focusing on our strengths (Light Self), but also on our challenges (Shadow Self), we can start developing those unique qualities. As a result, we can begin to cultivate a more loving faith in ourselves and boost our belief in our ability to achieve more.
Realizing that there is always room for development
and evolution can also stop us from feeling
stuck in our old ways.
The Moon is forming a square to Jupiter in Scorpio, and we are reminded that honoring our story begins with honoring our spirit. It may be difficult sometimes to understand painful things, yet how we respond to life's challenges is how we rise up to greet our destiny. As we become more aware of what we can and cannot change, peace comes from recognizing that what we can control is our own attitude.
With the Moon's trine to Mars in Sagittarius and Uranus in Aries, we can rock it! We are called to release our doubts and express our true selves. Magic is all around, so let go of fear and allow courage to lead us from this point forward. As we ready ourselves for a leap of faith, we will find that the only way we can move forward now is by answering the call of the spirit to live our lives more authentically from the soul.
Yaviz Basalamah
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo: Oppose Mercury, the Sun and Venus in Aquarius ●
Square Jupiter in Scorpio ● Trine Mars in Sagittarius and Uranus in Aries
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