Photography by Adrian
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June 28th, 2018
No matter what happens, no matter what the appearance, we are always successful. What looks like
failure teaches us what not to do, what does not work. It forces us to refocus, and redo.
Iyanla Vanzant
Full Moon in Capricorn:
It is not about what others are doing or what they have done. It's about what you are doing
and what you have done to maintain your personal sense of peace, purpose and
power as you get from where you were to where you want to be.
Each step you take, no matter how small, is a sign that you're ready to go to the next level.
If we believe that others are doing much better in life than us, or that others are much further ahead in their career than us, remember that this is not about them — because we don't know what steps they have taken to get there, how long it took them to get there and where will they go from that point forward. This is more about the steps we have taken and the steps we need to take next in order to get to where we want to be.
Understand that the reason why our idea of getting to 'where we need to be' can be difficult is because more often than not, it is based on what we were taught to believe about success as children, or what we believe others are expecting from us, or simply what the ego wants us to believe about ourselves. Where we need to be, may actually be different to where we want to be — which can be a fascinating thought to ponder.
Perhaps life is not always about getting to where we 'need' to be (aka the destination), because the idea of getting to where we 'want' to be truthfully seems more fun, more immediate. Perhaps by getting to where we want to be, we can actually get to where we need to be. Perhaps the idea is to sometimes get to where we want to be (aka having more fun along the way), so that we don't feel as resentful as we take each step toward what we believe to be 'where we need to be'.
Going for our dreams can be more fun when we don't feel bad about where we currently are. Going for our dreams can be more fun when we don't worry about what others expect from us. Instead of thinking that we should be further ahead by now, we can start by thinking about how far we really have come and how much we haven't explored yet.
A Full Moon in the sign of ambitious Capricorn is bringing to us an opportunity to focus on how much we have accomplished. Although with Capricorn's ruler, Saturn, currently moving backwards in its own sign, there can still be momentary tendencies to focus on what we haven't accomplished. Don't give in.
There is a new road ahead. It may look like a long road, but we can surprise ourselves of the little gifts we will find along the way by just twisting our spirits. A new sense of hope can go a long way. This is our chance to redo, revamp and restructure.
Yaviz Basalamah
Full Moon in Capricorn: Trine Uranus in Taurus ● Conjunct Saturn Rx
and Pluto Rx ● Sextile Jupiter Rx in Scorpio and Neptune Rx
in Pisces ● Oppose the Sun and Mercury in Cancer
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