New Moon in Capricorn | Rat Race Blues and Other Hues Beyond

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 December 29th, 2016 

New Moon in Capricorn:
As I look back on the year, it's not how much I've accomplished
that catches my attention, but how much I've grown on
my journey to embodying my true, authentic self.

How far along are we on the road to our dreams? Are we getting close to them? Or do those dreams always seem to slip further away from us? Do we still even believe in our dreams? Or are we losing our faith in them? As we look back on the year, what catches our attention? Do we choose to focus on what we haven't accomplished? Or do we cherish the challenges we encountered on our journey and our transformation along the way? 

Can we still feel like the same person without them coming true? Or would we feel like a failure? In the end, this is not about whether our dreams have come true or not. This is about us moving forward. About seeing the bigger picture and the breakthroughs we have made mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Some may see glimpses of new possibilities on the horizon, while others see broken dreams as their dead end destiny. How can we uplift ourselves when we feel like we are stuck in the rat race? Can we see broken dreams as our old paradigms being broken? 

Rather than only focusing on what we cannot do, do one small thing to make today better than yesterday. Begin to embrace our own version of simple happiness. Know that we can't compare happiness, because each person has their own concepts of happiness. What we see as happiness in another may not be the kind of happiness we want for ourselves in reality. In essence, we are both light and dark. We are positive and negative. Happiness and sadness are two sides of the same coin. Just remember who we truly are inside and start reaffirming our transformation!

Can we see broken dreams as our old paradigms being broken? 

Happy New Moon! The Moon is joining Mercury Rx, the Sun and Pluto in Capricorn, marking a melancholy yet transformational New Moon in the sign of the mountain goat. By turning inward, we get a chance to discover what it means to understand our emotions. How can we know who we truly are without understanding the reasons behind our emotions? With the Moon conjoining Pluto, peeling the layers of superficiality is the theme of this New Moon.

The more that we focus on outer labels, the less we are in touch with our deeper, inner selves. The more that we look outside of ourselves to create a sense of identity, the further away we get from really knowing ourselves. It is as though we have to reawaken something inside ourselves in order to embody our authentic truth. Embodying our authenticity means being grounded in our deepest beliefs, values and truth and living a life that is a true reflection of them. It is also about being true to ourselves through our thoughts, words and actions. Will we ever be perfect at honoring our own truth? No, but we can strive for excellence. It is mainly a matter of where we place our focus.

How can we know who we truly are without understanding
the reasons behind our emotions?

By holding the intention of being true to ourselves, we focus our attention on whatever resonates with our true, authentic selves. By doing more and more of those things that express our truth and less and less of those that do not, we learn to hold ourselves accountable for true authenticity and sincerity. Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn is all about recapturing the magic in honoring our power by expressing our voice. Release the need to prove our truth, because our experiences are ours alone, and they have shaped who we are. Let go of comparing ourselves to others and keep moving forward on our unique journey of authenticity.

The Moon is forming a sextile to Mars and Neptune, and we have the power to propel our ideas forward and make things happen. Now is the time to act, because we can build momentum and make headway. As we remember that we are the co-creator of our reality and to a certain extent the shaper of our destiny, we can confidently stake our claim and get things done. The synchronicities and intuitive nudges we feel will help us see which way we are being pointed, giving us the confidence to charge ahead with Spirit as our guidance. 

As we remember that we are the co-creator of our reality and
to a certain extent the shaper of our destiny, we can
confidently stake our claim and get things done.

With the Moon's square to Uranus Rx and Jupiter, we remember that life is a series of ebb and flow. We all have positive and negative emotions. Self-realization is ultimately about realizing that we are human with real and raw emotions. It is important to see that our good and bad days mold who we are. When we feel guilty, ashamed, angry or sad, we are actually being redirected to becoming a catalyst for change. By accepting that negative emotions happen for a purpose, we can see a breakdown as a way to a new breakthrough.

The Capricorn New Moon comes with a very deep and soulful message about our mission on earth and why we are here. The reason why we chose to come into a human body at this time is not only to accumulate material goods, acquire awards, praise or recognition. We have come here to help. And the greatest form of help is through sharing our light and love wherever we go. We may express this love through a career profession, and yet any career can be a vehicle for healing and empowering. And by holding this intention, we can activate our purpose and reawaken our soul's true potential.

Yaviz Basalamah

New Moon in Capricorn: Conjunct Mercury Rx, the Sun and
Pluto ● Sextile Mars and Neptune in Pisces ● Square
Uranus Rx in Aries and Jupiter in Libra



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Full Moon in Gemini | Your Redefining Moments

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 December 13th, 2016 

Behind every good speech (testimony) there is a story
full of pain, hardship and sorrowful moments.

Full Moon in Gemini:
Act from the soul and speak from the heart, because your actions
define your character and your words define who you are.

Who are we in our moments of joy, peace and love? Who are we in our moments of fear, worry and sorrow? Who are we when everybody's watching? Who are we when nobody's watching? There are many layers to life, and there are also many different roles we play over the course of our lifetimes.

The way we think when we are joyful may be different to the way we think when we are sorrowful. The way we act around one person may be different to the way we act around another. The wisdom lies in recognizing the true purpose of each of those roles in our lives. And how one role can have an impact on other roles we play and how we are feeling. 

The deeper we get into understanding the different layers in ourselves, the more we realize just how much more there is to know about our soul. There are times when life can feel so complicated, and we wonder whether or not we are still the same person or believe in the same things. 

In many ways, we are, but with greater understanding about the workings of life and our never-ending self discoveries. Yes, life can be overwhelming. But if we open our eyes wide enough, we will see that life can also be exciting and full of learning opportunities.

Are we acting from the soul and speaking from the heart? Or are we making decisions based on what we feel is wrong in our lives? Give ourselves the space to look closer into our joy. To look closer into our sorrow. There are endless discoveries to be found in our willingness to grow, and our openness to look beyond old, self-limiting beliefs. 

Begin to see pain not as an enemy, but as an old friend with endless wisdom to share. There are more layers to peel, and more magic to unleash. The possibilities are limitless. It's about time we greeted them with open heart.

The deeper we get into understanding the different layers
in ourselves, the more we realize just how much
more there is to know about our soul.

Happy Full Moon! The Moon in Gemini is forming an opposition to Saturn and the Sun in Sagittarius, marking a thoughtful and pragmatic Full Moon in the sign of the Twins. If we have been spreading ourselves too thin, or feeling overloaded with responsibilities, this is the time to pause and sort out our priorities.

Are we getting caught up in our own perfectionism? Is there anything that could wait until later? What are our top priorities? Look for ways to unburden our schedules. Slowing down, being flexible and having a more playful attitude are necessary at this time.

The Moon is forming a trine to Venus and Mars, and opening our heart to love has amazing benefits and blessings. With a mixed bag of energies from the Pre-Shadow of the upcoming Mercury Retrograde, let universal love open the door to our healing.

Is it possible that we are too guarded with our hearts, which is blocking us from the flow of love in our lives? Empower ourselves to no longer deny our feelings or accept any form of emotional abuse. Begin the process of lowering any walls around our hearts, and let love free our minds. 

The Moon is also forming a trine to Jupiter, bringing to us another reminder of the power of positivity. Our positive outlook is a very powerful energy. There is a gateway energy opening, and our faith can powerfully increase the speed of our manifestations and answered prayers. 

Rather than attracting obstacles with a pessimistic outlook, we can improve any situation by attracting new possibilities with optimism. Taking part in the Grand Air Trine, Jupiter brings a message of hope and faith, and that there is always a positive way to speak our truth and share information.

Taking part in the Grand Air Trine, Jupiter brings a message of
hope and faith, and that there is always a positive way
to speak our truth and share information.

With the Moon's square to Neptune, we remember that with each experience, we learn more about ourselves. Our reactions and our patterns have opened the way to a deeper level of self-awareness. We can begin to understand the driving intentions in others and in ourselves, and how our motives define the nature of our experiences.

As we understand our 'why' better, we can see whether we are motivated by the desire to serve and inspire, or whether we are driven by unresolved issues from our ego. Listen to the voice of our intuition, what does it tell us about our motives?

The Moon is also making a sextile to Uranus Rx, and we are ready for something new. We have come to this point armed with new wisdom and knowledge, and we can sense a new phase of our life is about to begin.

We can take action knowing that we are ready to step into our power, our light, and our service to the world. The Gemini Full Moon is shining a light on the direction we are moving in, and our soul is smiling with joy as we walk further down the road to our true destiny.

Yaviz Basalamah

Full Moon in Gemini: Trine Venus + Mars in Aquarius and Jupiter
in Libra ● Square Neptune in Pisces ● Oppose Saturn and
the Sun in Sagittarius ● Sextile Uranus Rx in Aries



For more of my astro updates please go to my Facebook Page.

New Moon in Sagittarius | Setting Your Soul on Fire

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 November 29th, 2016 

New Moon in Sagittarius:
Honor your energy. Make lists of things you love. Walk away from anything
that no longer serves you and focus on what sets your soul on fire.
Never stop exploring and start having fun along the way.

Because our energy is correlated to the intentions we hold in our heart, it often speaks louder than the words we speak or the actions we take. Why are we feeling the way we do? What are we trying to achieve with the decisions we are making? Do we have a clear picture in our mind about the reasons behind our choices? These kinds of questions can give us some clues about our true intentions and the kind of energy we are giving off. 

So rather than only focusing on what action steps we need to take next, it is also important to see what our intentions are and what we can give out of those actions. Are we contributing to our own mental and emotional growth as well as the mental and emotional growth in others? Or are we just trying to always come out the winner for the sake of showcasing our power? 

With every intention comes either a solution or more problems. It is up to us to see whether our intentions are based on negative core beliefs or possibilities for positive growth. Begin to see intention as the starting point of every dream, and understand that intention is more powerful when it comes from a place of self-awareness than if it arises from a place of self-centeredness. 

Self-centeredness comes from fear and insecurity, which makes it more difficult for us to detach from outcomes. Whereas self-awareness comes from a sense of contentment, which makes it easier for us to not be easily influenced by other people's doubts or criticisms. It's about time we began our new journey from a place of self-awareness, where we are ready to plant our true intentions into the flowering depths of our consciousness, and to start protecting our energy to make room for our dreams to grow.

It is up to us to see whether our intentions are based on negative
core beliefs or possibilities for positive growth.

Happy New Moon! The Moon is joining the Sun, Saturn and Mercury in Sagittarius, marking an idealistic and philosophical New Moon in the sign of the restless Centaur. Regardless of internal fears or actual real world barriers, we can start to see the power of sticking to our vision, mission and goal. Remaining positive in the midst of adversity is also highlighted under this New Moon. 

Even if Saturn's influence has been sobering us up to the reality of our beliefs and aspirations, the presence of the Sun and Mercury in the sign also highlights our creativity and ways we can bring in fresh new ideas, perspectives and inspirations. This is a time to explore the new energy between the present and the future. To stay curious, as well as to trust the process of change and growth.

The Moon is forming a square to Neptune, and we may be feeling stuck, and impatient regarding some delays. Instead of feeling overwhelmed, try to get a good night's sleep because sleep deprivation can worsen our anxiety and our ability to think clearly. Do our best to get some rest in between assignments if possible. Retreat and pull back our energy from the outside world as our sensitivity is heightened at this time.

The overly busy mind can block us from inner wisdom if we don't step back and rest once in a while. Be open to let dreams surface and ideas to flow through us as we process our emotions. After the break, we may want to make some changes because new epiphanies have a way of arising when we feel rejuvenated and well rested.

Even if Saturn's influence has been sobering us up to the reality of
our beliefs and aspirations, the presence of the Sun and
Mercury in the sign also highlights our creativity
and ways we can bring in fresh new ideas,
perspectives and inspirations.

The Moon is also forming a sextile to Mars and Jupiter, and we are reminded of the importance of shielding ourselves from harsh or negative energy. Shielding ourselves is a way to ensure that our energy stays high and clean, especially if we are working in a harsh environment or interacting with people who tend to be negative.

There are many ways we can clear our own energy. One is to visualize a light surrounding us, and affirm, "I am surrounding myself with love and light, and only positivity can penetrate this light." Another way to clear our energy is to take a very warm bath with sea salts, because salt water has the ability to absorb negative energy. Going outside and connecting with nature is also another great way to replenish our energy, because flowers and trees have gentle, loving energy with unique healing properties.

With the Moon's trine to Uranus Rx, we are guided once again to ask ourselves: Who do I want to be? Who do I need to be to live out my dreams? What do I need to believe in order to have the life I truly want? We were born with the power to imagine. If we can dream it, we can create it. The future is not set in stone, so allow the power of our creativity to deliver images of what feeds our soul. Clear our inner slate of worries from catastrophizing and awfulizing. Release any residual fear. Then begin envisioning a brand new future.

Yaviz Basalamah

New Moon in Sagittarius: Conjunct the Sun, Saturn and Mercury
● Square Neptune in Pisces ● Sextile Mars in Aquarius and
Jupiter in Libra ● Trine Uranus Rx in Aries



For more of my astro updates please go to my Facebook Page.

Full Moon in Taurus | Back in Your Element

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 November 13th, 2016 

Full Moon in Taurus:
As you listen more closely to what your body needs, you
will connect more closely to the voice of your soul.

How can we discover our true inner element?

What does it truly mean to be in our element?

We can start to find the clues by asking ourselves,

"When was the last time I felt most myself? What was I doing?
Where was I at the time? And how did I feel?"

Being in our element is not only about expressing our authentic selves. According to author and speaker, Sir Ken Robinson, finding our element is also about systematically identifying our talents and passions, then seeking or creating opportunities where these two factors overlap. "It's not enough to be good at something to be in your element," says Robinson, "because there are plenty of people who are good at things they don't really care for."

Once we identify our passions, we can begin to recognize the possibilities from finding and following our true inner element. From there, we can also begin to understand the concept and the true value of connecting with the voice of our soul.

One way to connect more closely to our soul's voice is to release any anger we may harbor against our body. When we feel angry towards our body, we are telling our body that we hate it or hate parts of it. Good physical health comes from love and appreciation. We want to put as much love into our body as we possible can. To be more gentle with our body, and to talk to our body in kinder ways.

When we are feeling unwell, our body is telling us that something we have been doing is not good for us. We need to learn to listen more closely to what our body is saying, and begin creating a healthier mental atmosphere. Know that our body is always speaking to us, and so is our soul. It's about time we recaptured the magic of being a passionate participant in our own mental, physical and spiritual growth.

Once we identify our passions, we can begin to recognize
the possibilities from finding and following
our true inner element.

Happy Full Moon! The Moon is in Taurus and forming an opposition to the Sun in Scorpio, marking an extra persistent and determined Full Moon in the sign of the Bull. In many ways, we are beginning to better comprehend what it means to be at one with our body and to be in our element. We may not figure it all out right away, but an openness to explore more deeply what we desire can open a doorway to a new level of self-realization.

The Taurus Moon is forming a trine to Venus and Pluto, and we realize that everything happens in the present, and only this moment counts. We have what it takes to create miracles if we let go of the need to look into the future and reflect on the past. Let our heart trust that we have everything right now, regardless of whether or not we have the kinds of relationships we desire. Tomorrow is beyond our reach, and yesterday cannot return. Do not put our focus on meeting a goal in the far-off future, but on creating our dream and claiming our prosperity now. 

An openness to explore more deeply what we desire can
open a doorway to a new level of self-realization.

The Moon is also forming a square to Mars, and we are asked to restructure parts of our life to find balance. What area are we spending too much time on? And what area are we neglecting? Even if we think it's impossible to gain balance, it is, because we have the power to choose.

Perhaps it's about devoting more time to self-care, to exercise more regularly or to eat more healthily. Perhaps it's about making space to find quiet moments to ourselves so that we can regain our center. As we take back our power to say yes to that which truly matters to us, and to say no to that which only brings anxiety and fear, we can bring back balance and inner peace into our lives.

With the Moon's sextile to Neptune Rx and Chiron Rx, we get to release something that is completed, or that was never our truth in the first place. We are ready to let go of anything that's toxic, and we realize that our optimism is what increases the speed of our manifestation power.

This Taurus Full Moon is about having an honest conversation with ourselves about what's working and no longer working in our life. Even a few moments spent alone in contemplation, ideally outside in nature, can help uplift our mood and energy to stay positive. Remember to listen more closely to our body, and know that we always have within us the courage to follow our soul's voice to a path more in alignment with our true inner element.

Yaviz Basalamah

Full Moon in Taurus: Trine Venus and Pluto in Capricorn ● Square Mars in Aquarius
● Sextile Neptune Rx and Chiron Rx in Pisces ● Oppose the Sun in Scorpio



For more of my astro updates please go to my Facebook Page.

New Moon in Scorpio | When Everything Changes

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 October 30th, 2016 

Holding on is believing that there's only a past;
letting go is knowing that there's a future.
Daphne Rose Kingma

New Moon in Scorpio:
Nothing changes until you start believing in yourself.

Change is not for the faint-hearted. Change is for those who want to let go of the old — not only because they need to, but because they want to. Those who are ready to make their transition from an ending to a brand new beginning. Although there may be a sense of comfort in routines, understanding that change is one constant in life can help us become less attached to them. 

Sometimes change can be filled with happiness and excitement, while other times it can also be filled with fear and anxiety. One of the first steps to take to help us successfully move forward and embrace change is to disengage from the familiar so that we can reevaluate our identity. What truly lies beneath our attachments? What is behind our deepest needs and wants? Are we ready to stand in our power and step into the future with the new insights that come from change? 

There is wisdom in seeing the power of perspective in the midst of change. Rather than looking at change as an ending, we can look at it as a time for seeing our true potential and recognizing new opportunities. Rather than feeling stuck from focusing on what we cannot change, we can ask ourselves, "What is the next step for my best interest and well-being?". Every moment holds the seed of transformation. Are we stuck in our cocoon of old, outdated patterns of belief, or are we ready to break free and fly (realizing that we had our wings all along)?

Although there may be a sense of comfort in routines,
understanding that change is one constant in life
can help us become less attached to them.

Happy New Moon! The Moon is joining the Sun and Mercury in Scorpio, marking an extra transformative and regenerative New Moon in the sign of the Scorpion. The transition from the past to whatever comes next is the theme of this New Moon. While transitions can sometimes call for a celebration, they can also be downright painful, and yet (hopefully) liberating down the road. Even if the past has been reasonably steady and familiar, moving forward to a future that will be different can actually be an emotionally freeing process.

The journey in between the past and the future may be long and arduous, or short and shaky, but we will come out stronger and wiser after having been reborn. This is where we get to experience the true meaning of transformation. A time when we can no longer be the same person we were before. A time when we can no longer see our world in the same way. Something shifts within us and we get to look at life from a different perspective.

Understand that seeing the world in a new way doesn't mean letting go of the past entirely. Walking down the memory lane is different to harboring resentment towards a person or situation. We get to choose what we want to hold on to. Are we going to keep holding our past in front of us, thus blocking our ability to enjoy the present and build a new future? Or are we going to see the past as a place that holds valuable lessons, leading us toward a path of new growth and personal empowerment?

The journey in between the past and the future may be long
and arduous, or short and shaky, but we will come out
stronger and wiser after having been reborn.

The Moon is forming a trine to Neptune Rx and Chiron Rx, and there's a message about our spiritual growth and awakening, which is taking us to a new level of awareness. We are perhaps still deciding how much we are ready to let go, and how much we are willing to trust and believe in the future. The New Moon may bring up questions about what we truly believe, and the depth of our authenticity with our faith.

We've been hurt before, and walls we've created around our heart has been creating emotional numbness. This is the time for getting emotionally raw and real with seeing our true soul and ego. Ultimately, we realize that it's about choosing to trust ourselves, including trusting our instincts and listening to our intuition.

With the Moon's sextile to Pluto and Mars, we are admitting the truth to ourselves and begin to act accordingly. Regardless of the sweeping changes, we can be extra alert to ideas that come into our mind, and are ready to do some research on how to develop more workable plans. The key is to keep committing to the path of our heart. Because anything that feels less than the truth will feel more like a burden, and hence blocks our way forward.

This Scorpio New Moon is reminding us to envision our ideas as being fulfilled. To feel the sense of passion we have for remaining true to our goals. To process our emotions, listen to our inner voice, and know that we always have what it takes to reach our full potential when we truly believe in ourselves.

Yaviz Basalamah

New Moon in Scorpio: Conjunct the Sun and Mercury ● Trine Neptune Rx
and Chiron Rx in Pisces ● Sextile Pluto and Mars in Capricorn



For more of my astro updates please go to my Facebook Page.

Full Moon in Aries | The End of Self-Deception

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 October 16th, 2016 

Kindness in words creates confidence.
Lao Tzu

Full Moon in Aries:
Live for truth. Love your authentic self.
Leave lies behind and live the life you really want.

The lies no longer work. What remains is the truth. The lies we tell ourselves about who we are or who we aren't become more apparent as we form a closer bond with our soul. The key is to look at the beliefs we hold about ourselves and see whether they are empowering or disempowering us. 

The ones that are disempowering often come from fear, and they tend to stop us from embodying our truest and most authentic selves. These beliefs can be formed through family, friends or experiences that put us in a state of fear, and with time become a part of our psyche. Know that we can break free from these negative beliefs by recognizing our mental blockages, which often go unnoticed. From there, we can begin to transform them through more self-affirming beliefs and slowly alter our mindset. 

The thing about self-affirmations is that we can't force them. Saying affirmations or visualizing outcomes that seem too perfect to be true to us can work against us, because we can't place our faith in them. As to why it's helpful to begin with affirmations or visualizations that feel most natural to us. This Full Moon is that opportune time to use our conscious mind to steer old, outdated beliefs we have into a new and more empowering direction.

Saying affirmations or visualizing outcomes that seem too
perfect to be true to us can work against us, because
we can't place our faith in them.

Happy Full Moon! The Moon is joining Uranus Rx in Aries forming an opposition to Jupiter, Mercury and the Sun in Libra, marking a transformative and revelatory Full Moon in the sign of the Ram. Letting go of the old and letting in the new is the only way we can feel brand new. Learning the true value of self-belief is the key to unlock our true potentials now. 

Does life feel like an endless experience of worrying or doubting ourselves? Do we feel like we don't deserve to have the so-called good things in life? Perhaps the problem lies in our confidence, in our belief in our ability to bring about successful outcomes when we experience challenges. Pay close attention to the choices we make and the way we talk to ourselves internally. The way we relate to ourselves can have an impact on the way we relate to others, which in turn affects our own internal dynamics.

Changing our attitude toward ourselves is that first important step to building confidence that's not based on external factors. With unshakable confidence, we can become more resilient in the face of adversity, and we also trust ourselves enough to keep taking the next step - even when circumstances seem uncertain. The Moon conjoining Uranus Rx in Aries is asking us to imagine what a transformation it would be if we could go through life trusting in our capabilities.

The way we relate to ourselves can have an impact
on the way we relate to others, which in turn
affects our own internal dynamics.

With the Moon's trine to Saturn, we are reminded that everything has its season, its divine timing, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. Have we been feeling as if the clock is ticking and gotten a little anxious that our dreams are taking too long to manifest?

Remember that we always have enough time for love - to find it, nurture it, give and receive it. Stay positive and make a commitment to remain in high-vibration thoughts and feelings. Let our fears be gently released by our new self-belief, and know what is truly ours will never be withheld from us.

The Moon is also forming a square to Mars and Pluto, and the understanding that arises from difficulties is the door into our new life. A spirit of regeneration is in the air, and a rebirth is assured. What happens when it appears that we have failed at something? Do we dwell on the past and blame ourselves? Or do we see the beauty in the lesson?

Now is one of those times when out of seeming loss and failure, comes remarkable rebirth. Endings may come in many forms, but now is the time to let whatever isn't working in our life die. So let go of what must die, and affirm, "I am being reborn into a more solid, steady and confident version of myself. And this is, in essence and in truth, who I really am."

Yaviz Basalamah

Full Moon in Aries: Conjunct Uranus Rx ● Oppose Jupiter, Mercury
and the Sun in Libra ● Trine Saturn in Sagittarius
● Square Mars and Pluto in Capricorn



For more of my astro updates please go to my Facebook Page.