Full Moon in Taurus | Back in Your Element

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 November 13th, 2016 

Full Moon in Taurus:
As you listen more closely to what your body needs, you
will connect more closely to the voice of your soul.

How can we discover our true inner element?

What does it truly mean to be in our element?

We can start to find the clues by asking ourselves,

"When was the last time I felt most myself? What was I doing?
Where was I at the time? And how did I feel?"

Being in our element is not only about expressing our authentic selves. According to author and speaker, Sir Ken Robinson, finding our element is also about systematically identifying our talents and passions, then seeking or creating opportunities where these two factors overlap. "It's not enough to be good at something to be in your element," says Robinson, "because there are plenty of people who are good at things they don't really care for."

Once we identify our passions, we can begin to recognize the possibilities from finding and following our true inner element. From there, we can also begin to understand the concept and the true value of connecting with the voice of our soul.

One way to connect more closely to our soul's voice is to release any anger we may harbor against our body. When we feel angry towards our body, we are telling our body that we hate it or hate parts of it. Good physical health comes from love and appreciation. We want to put as much love into our body as we possible can. To be more gentle with our body, and to talk to our body in kinder ways.

When we are feeling unwell, our body is telling us that something we have been doing is not good for us. We need to learn to listen more closely to what our body is saying, and begin creating a healthier mental atmosphere. Know that our body is always speaking to us, and so is our soul. It's about time we recaptured the magic of being a passionate participant in our own mental, physical and spiritual growth.

Once we identify our passions, we can begin to recognize
the possibilities from finding and following
our true inner element.

Happy Full Moon! The Moon is in Taurus and forming an opposition to the Sun in Scorpio, marking an extra persistent and determined Full Moon in the sign of the Bull. In many ways, we are beginning to better comprehend what it means to be at one with our body and to be in our element. We may not figure it all out right away, but an openness to explore more deeply what we desire can open a doorway to a new level of self-realization.

The Taurus Moon is forming a trine to Venus and Pluto, and we realize that everything happens in the present, and only this moment counts. We have what it takes to create miracles if we let go of the need to look into the future and reflect on the past. Let our heart trust that we have everything right now, regardless of whether or not we have the kinds of relationships we desire. Tomorrow is beyond our reach, and yesterday cannot return. Do not put our focus on meeting a goal in the far-off future, but on creating our dream and claiming our prosperity now. 

An openness to explore more deeply what we desire can
open a doorway to a new level of self-realization.

The Moon is also forming a square to Mars, and we are asked to restructure parts of our life to find balance. What area are we spending too much time on? And what area are we neglecting? Even if we think it's impossible to gain balance, it is, because we have the power to choose.

Perhaps it's about devoting more time to self-care, to exercise more regularly or to eat more healthily. Perhaps it's about making space to find quiet moments to ourselves so that we can regain our center. As we take back our power to say yes to that which truly matters to us, and to say no to that which only brings anxiety and fear, we can bring back balance and inner peace into our lives.

With the Moon's sextile to Neptune Rx and Chiron Rx, we get to release something that is completed, or that was never our truth in the first place. We are ready to let go of anything that's toxic, and we realize that our optimism is what increases the speed of our manifestation power.

This Taurus Full Moon is about having an honest conversation with ourselves about what's working and no longer working in our life. Even a few moments spent alone in contemplation, ideally outside in nature, can help uplift our mood and energy to stay positive. Remember to listen more closely to our body, and know that we always have within us the courage to follow our soul's voice to a path more in alignment with our true inner element.

Yaviz Basalamah

Full Moon in Taurus: Trine Venus and Pluto in Capricorn ● Square Mars in Aquarius
● Sextile Neptune Rx and Chiron Rx in Pisces ● Oppose the Sun in Scorpio



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