Moon in Sights | February 18th - March 14th, 2016

'Gemini' by Salvador Dalí, 1967

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February 18th, 2016 | Moon in Cancer, trine Neptune, Chiron and Mars, oppose Pluto, square Uranus, sextile Jupiter Rx: Recognizing the true importance of self-trust. Understanding that true healing comes from being at one with our own soul. Knowing that there is love that can come through forgiveness. Forgiving ourself for our mistakes and imperfections, as well as forgiving others for their mistakes and imperfections. Forgiving others doesn't mean that we condone their behaviour or have to accept something that we don't agree with. Forgiving others means that we love ourself enough to accept the truth that each and every one of us is a growing soul with a growing heart and mind. We all want to evolve. We all want to live a better life. And we all make mistakes and learn with each step we take to get there. The Moon is back home in Cancer and forming an opposition to Pluto inspiring us to do an emotional purging. How can we understand our feelings better? How can we build a deeper and more authentic connection with our emotions? A transformation is on offer, but only if we are open to uncover our truth and unique voice that lie beyond the ego. Notice our inner sensitivity and see what lessons it brings. Do not take others' actions personally and recognize that our self-trust is indeed our powerful spiritual shield.



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February 20th, 2016 | Moon in Leo, oppose Venus and Mercury, trine Saturn and Uranus, square Mars: Exploring new ways we can communicate our soul and expand our heart. Realizing that love is indeed the heart of the matter. Finding a deeper level of confidence where we can have more trust in our own unique abilities. How far are we willing to go to fully embody our authentic voice? How much are we going to trust our heart as we move forward and make that change? This is no longer just about courage, but more about listening to our own intuition and following our instincts. Let go of worries about how our dreams will come about and focus more on the healing energy of true giving and receiving. See our path as a road filled with opportunities to own our light and to help others stand in their own light. Look at setbacks as chances to evolve and go to that next level of self-empowerment. A Leo Moon for the weekend means that it is time to express our own voice and inner truth. To release old grudges and bitterness and replace them with open-heartedness and creative soul expressions. To let our true light shine and join the dance of life with strength and truthfulness. Follow our heart compass and believe once again in the power of our unique story.



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February 22nd, 2016 | Full Moon in Virgo, oppose the Sun, Neptune and Chiron in Pisces, square Saturn in Sagittarius, trine Pluto in Capricorn, sextile Mars in Scorpio, conjunct Jupiter Rx: Open-mindedness, hopefulness and truthfulness are signs of a healthy mind, heart and spirit. Being hopeful is not about being gullible, but more about being open-minded enough to look for new ways to keep rising, growing and learning. Being truthful is not about speaking just for the sake of expressing our mind, but more about being open-hearted enough to speak from the soul with the intention of bringing positive change. Some people have the wrong impression that when someone is filled with hope or feeling too optimistic, they are probably naive or have never experienced trauma to fully understand how the world works. Having hope in our heart doesn't necessarily mean that we have to 'fake it' until what we hope for comes true. Having hope means that instead of focusing too much on what can go wrong, we put our focus more on the present moment - while at the same time being logical enough to look for solutions to problems that we may encounter in the future. The same goes with the idea that feeling hopeful means that we have to be in a constant state of happiness. Because there is no such thing as feeling hopeful and awful at the same time. Understand that it is okay to feel sadness. It is okay to feel like we don't belong. And there is nothing shameful in depression, because it can hit anyone at any time. But if we are open-minded enough to keep some hope in our heart (or at the very least in the back of our mind), we will always have faith within us. The faith that this too shall pass. The faith that things can be different. Read more on:



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February 25th, 2016 | Moon in Libra, trine Venus and Mercury, sextile Saturn, square Pluto, oppose Uranus: Post-Full Moon Diary. Relearning the wisdom of working in tandem. Redefining the true meaning of fears and their role in our life. Reaffirming the love that resides within us. How can we move past fears and move forward without them getting in the way? When was the last time we sat with our inner fears and asked ourself: What's the worst that could happen? Are they valid fears? Or are they mental scenarios gone too far? How can we shift our attention from feelings of disempowerment to feelings of empowerment with love as the guiding light? Sometimes love is not so obvious. Sometimes love is unspoken. But if we look a little closer, we will see that there is more love than we cared to acknowledge. More blessings than we cared to see. And more grace than we cared to feel. We just have been too afraid or too cut off from our center to catch them. As we release more blocks and fears from our life, the more open the door to our soul becomes. And the more in touch we become with our soul, the more room that we have within us to explore and expand beyond old fears. See love as what it truly means to us. Uncover the truth by seeing from the soul and speaking from the heart. We owe it to ourself to look forward with more love, more faith and more courage.



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February 28th, 2016 | Moon in Scorpio, trine the Sun, Neptune and Chiron, square Venus and Mercury, sextile Pluto, conjunct Mars: Recapturing long lost passion for our dreams. Shedding away old fears in exchange for new courage and conviction. Knowing that only in truth can we find our source for true motivation, inspiration and aspiration. How far are we willing to go to uncover our sense of personal power? How deep into our soul are we willing to dig to unearth our evolving emotional evolution? Know that it is safe to admit the truth to ourself. To see our truth as a gateway to our personal transformation To focus more on our desires and not on our fears so that we don't attract that which is counterproductive to our soul growth. Standing in our truth is not about trampling on the truth of others. But more about honoring our heart and recognizing what is important for the advancement of the human soul. Perhaps we have been giving more than receiving. Or perhaps there have been some needless worry about the future along the way. The Scorpio Moon is guiding us to balance our giving with receiving. To not let fear distract us from our path of light. To see our sensitivity as a powerful spiritual tool that helps us discern the truth and communicate with our intuition where our higher soul and divine self reside.



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March 1st, 2016 | Moon in Sagittarius, square Neptune, the Sun and Jupiter Rx, sextile Venus and Mercury, conjunct Saturn, trine Uranus: Aiming towards new resolutions. Releasing the past and putting old fears and insecurities behind us. Understanding that the only way we can move forward is to own our new and more courageous self. How can we walk with trust and faith? How can we look at the future without worrying about the uncertainty? With Saturn moving through the sign, our answers lie in the present. Recognizing that the more we value our time, the more we can make the best of the time that we have. Responsibilities could be on our mind and an escape may seem like a great idea. Some adjustments to our plans is needed so that we can divide our time well between work, play and rest. If we are feeling tired or discouraged, use this time to meditate on the changes that we want to make. Remember to get some rest along the way and nurture ourself before continuing on our journey. See the progress we are making, even if it seems like there are still more steps to take. It is time we detached ourself from fear-based thoughts and uplift our energy by envisioning an open path where we can plant new seeds of hope, faith and growth.



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March 3rd, 2016 | Moon in Capricorn, sextile Neptune, the Sun and Mars, conjunct Pluto, square Uranus, trine Jupiter Rx: Moving forward one step at a time. Facing our fears and finding a way to make them less frightening. Developing a deeper understanding of the role of our dreams and their impact in our life. What can we learn from our dreams? How can we move away from seeing life as a glass half empty to living life with a glass-half-full perspective? Life is a lot more pleasant when we can look at the bright side. This is not an invitation to see who has the most optimistic view of life. But more to see optimism as a welcoming ground in which we can plant new seeds of motivation and persistence. Instead of seeing problems as blocks in our life, see them as stepping stones to live a life from a higher perspective. Instead of finding reasons to feel disempowered by our fears, see them as a means to find new sources for empowerment from within that we didn't even know we had. Remember that each and every one of us has a unique and valuable contribution to make to the world. The Moon conjoining Pluto in Capricorn brings to us a reminder that we do have within us the power to be our own boss. The strength and courage to lead ourself and others out of darkness. The self-confidence to be a life explorer and view the world as our jungle to explore. Today, make the decision to honour our soul by taking positive action steps towards living a more purposeful and heart-centered life.



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March 6th, 2016 | Moon in Aquarius, sextile Saturn and Uranus, conjunct Venus: Pre-New Moon Diary. Looking at life from a different angle. Understanding that love and inspiration can come in many forms and from different places. Can we let go of the need to control and embrace the unknown with open arms? Can we release old ways of looking at the world and replace them with new perspective and vision that are more in alignment with our soul? It is kind of like pressing the 'shuffle' button on our music player and choosing to enjoy whichever song comes next. It can be a liberating feeling to explore new roads and expect the unexpected once in a while, instead of the usual route we have been taking. This can mean literal roads where we go to places we have never been before, or mental journeys towards a sense of internal, heartfelt liberty. Even if we do not feel prepared to walk through new doors, simply opening our heart and mind to new opportunities can be the first step to a gateway of personal evolution. As we are approaching a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Pisces, clear away old energy by detaching ourself from worry and fear energy and notice our inner divine guidance guiding us to that next level of personal power and freedom.



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March 9th, 2016 | New Moon in Pisces, conjunct Mercury, Neptune, the Sun and Chiron, square Saturn in Sagittarius, sextile Pluto in Capricorn, oppose Jupiter Rx in Virgo: Sail your sea of dreams with vision as your compass and courage as your guiding light.What happens to our broken dreams? Do they disappear into thin air? Or do they lie within us waiting for us to believe in them again? When was the last time we truly believed in a dream without fears or worries getting in the way? Perhaps we have been disappointed by our dreams. Because they always seem so far away, or because they didn't arrive at what we believe to be the right time. Perhaps we have been blessed to see our dreams coming true before our very eyes, and they make us dream even more dreams. It is also possible that sometimes we are not even aware enough to notice our dreams being realized because they arrive in a different package. And this is when we are asked to open our eyes more to see what lies beneath the surface. Some dreams can come true in the form of hard work and more responsibilities. Some dreams can also come true in the form of an unexpected offer that we feel reluctant to accept. Other dreams do not manifest because they are not in alignment with the highest purpose that we have for our life. Understand that ultimately, we will grow with each broken dream. And we will evolve with each unfulfilled wish. This doesn't mean that the universe is working against us. This simply means that there is still more learning to do. Read more on:



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March 10th, 2016 | Moon in Aries, trine Mars and Saturn, square Pluto, conjunct Uranus, sextile Venus: Post-New Moon Diary. Moving forward to a new phase. Understanding that real change begins from within. Looking at life from a different angle means opening our mind to new possibilities. New ways of being. New ways of seeing. Perhaps we couldn't see beyond the surface. Perhaps our mind chose to ignore what our heart truly wants. The New Moon Solar Eclipse has lifted the veil and opened our eyes more to see things normally kept from our view. Recognize what lies within our own emotions and those of others. Break out of rigid patterns of thinking and imagine a brand new path clear of old fears. Even if the changes still seem subtle on a surface level, rest assured they are also happening at an internal level. The key is to welcome change with a spirit of openness, adventure and youthful curiosity. View this change with a sense that everything is possible. The Aries Moon brings a reminder that our power comes from knowing that being aware is not passive. It is an action that takes place mentally, which in turn gives birth to physical action that arises from applying a deeper level of consciousness. Stay centered in magick and do not retreat from the present. That's where our wisdom resides.



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March 12th, 2016 | Moon in Taurus, sextile Neptune, Mercury, Chiron and the Sun, trine Pluto and Jupiter Rx: Realizing that we can be as happy as we make up our mind to be. Understanding that the most important approval we can get is from ourself. What do people really mean when they say true joy comes from within? Where does it truly lie within? Is it in our mind? Our heart? Our soul? Or is it in something else that we have perhaps forgotten? Know that deep beneath our longings, sorrows and desires lie our essence. Our true, unique spirit. Our core. When we allow ourself to remember who we truly are on the inside, we will be able to perceive more clearly what's happening on the outside. What lesson is trying to reach us? What wisdom is calling our name? Try to devote more time each day to be at one with our essence, and we will develop a closer bond with our true purpose. Perhaps the answer to our question lies in focusing our time and attention on a skill that's related to our heart's passions. Perhaps it's a hobby that we dream of turning into an occupation. Whatever our main concern at this time, let our soul be free to express and enjoy the freedom of growing and learning. Our body will eventually learn from an intuitive level where to find inspiration next and from there move forward, not from a place of struggle, but from one of joy, freedom and healing.



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March 14th, 2016 | Moon in Gemini, square Venus, Neptune, Mercury, the Sun and Jupiter Rx, oppose Mars and Saturn, sextile Uranus: How much do we want things to change? Or just how much do we want things to stay the same? Perhaps it is growth that we have been looking for, but blocks seem to be getting in the way. Perhaps it is our focus that we need to sharpen, but distractions seem to come from both external and internal sources. When there seems to be too many choices, that's when we are asked to return to our center, look through our mind's eye and ask ourself: What can I see? What can I hear? Where can I go from this point? Everything we have experienced in our life has made us who we are today, a stronger and wiser individual. They have brought us to this moment, and we are now more aware and prepared to walk down a new path. Know that it is natural to shy away from tasks that we deem to be difficult or bring up fears of failure. Either way, we are guided to face them because we do have the inner strength to do so. Which path do we think will lead us to greater progress? Which steps do we need to take to get us closer in the direction of our dreams? Even if we feel unsure, procrastinating is not the answer at this time. It starts with our willingness to open our heart along with our readiness to release attachments to outcomes. Commit today and tomorrow to dropping our defenses as well as letting our dedication to the present help us gain more clarity and confidence about the future.

Yaviz Basalamah

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