Moon in Sights | October 4th - 29th, 2015

Björk photographed by Kate Garner, 1995

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October 4th, 2015 | Moon in Cancer, sextiles Mars and Jupiter, squares Mercury Rx, the Sun and Uranus Rx, trines Neptune Rx and Chiron Rx, opposes Pluto: The Moon is back home in Cancer, and we make decisions based on what are feeling. If we have been feeling stuck, it could be because we haven't fully decided yet on how we really feel. With the Sun and Mercury Rx moving through Libra, thoughts may take a little longer to process as we strive to weigh every angle and make the right decision. Try not to overthink things, sometimes not making a decision is actually the same as making a decision. Once we make that clear choice, a path opens that has the potential to answer many prayers for us. Just focus on opening our heart to giving and receiving love. Remember that our heart has withstood painful experiences, but we are much more evolved now. Give ourself the space to breathe and bloom. We are indeed growing.



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October 6th, 2015 | Moon in Leo, sextiles Mercury Rx and the Sun, trines Saturn and Uranus Rx, conjuncts Venus: As Venus fully awakens in Leo and ready to move into Virgo, we shift our attention inwards when it comes to love. What has been happening internally? How have we been feeling lately? What lessons have we been learning from love? Owning our painful relationship experiences doesn't mean that we condone the other person's behaviour, it means that we respect ourself enough to be aware of our own emotions and feelings. The Moon in Leo teaches the wisdom of becoming bigger than our feelings. To own those feelings. Not to be swept away by them, but to be empowered by them. To know that our disappointments don't define us. Our growth defines us. That is who we are, because true growth comes from within. There could have been times when we feel afraid of a project or a situation not working out. Or times when we catch the pessimism bug without really understanding why. Instead of visualizing the negative that could happen, the Sun guides us to visualize the positive that could happen. Look for creative ways to invoke the child within and discover new inspiration. Live our inner sparkle.



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October 9th, 2015 | Dark Moon in Virgo, conjuncts Venus, Mars and Jupiter, squares Saturn, opposes Neptune Rx and Chiron Rx, trines Pluto: Defining our priorities is the current celestial theme. Whether it's setting up a more realistic and reliable routine, or doing research and exploring other possibilities for ourself. The key is to look at restrictions in our life as a gateway to understanding our psyche better. Which is most important to our life mission, core values or vision? And which are mere distractions from our path? Do not let emotional illusions build a wall between us and our goals. Venus squaring Saturn is asking us to question every limiting or lack-filled belief we have about our life. To explore our options by giving ourself the permission to look at alternative ways of living and working. It's all about aligning ourself with our inner truth. Make room for the new to enter our life. See which ideas are worth pursuing. We are guided to have more belief in ourself, and our ability to put ideas into motion. Be extra aware of a negative pattern that we'd like to release and let go of. Say no to anything which pulls us away from our health and healing. Begin by taking responsibility for our role.



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October 12th, 2015 | New Moon in Libra: What better way to start loving yourself than to start loving your soul? What does it mean to be mentally mature? And what does it really mean to be emotionally ripe? Having enough life experience or taking responsibility for our own actions may come to mind when we think about the marks of maturity. How about being spiritually awake? What do people mean when they talk about being spiritually awake or advanced? And how can one truly begin the journey to self-love? Is loving ourself part of mental, emotional, or spiritual maturity? Yes. Self-love comes from reaching a certain level of mental, emotional and spiritual maturity. Some think that age probably has something to do with that. When in truth, age has nothing to do with inner growth or maturity. Someone can be over the age of 60 and still be emotionally immature. While another can be under the age of 30 and be more mature emotionally. Perhaps upbringing, tradition and culture have something to do with that — or perhaps not. Still, we can only begin to grow once we decide to become more open and receptive to change. How do we really feel about the changes in our life? Remember that sometimes pain precedes change. And sometimes all it takes is for us to say "enough is enough" before we can start that journey to self-love. Loving ourself means being kind to ourself. It is never about being narcissistic. It's actually more about having a new sense of understanding about our soul. Tune in and get in touch with our true feelings. Have an honest discussion with ourself. Self-reflection will help us to understand, accept, and have more compassion for ourself. This is the beginning of our soul-love journey. Read more on:



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October 14th, 2015 | Moon in Scorpio, sextiles Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Pluto, trines Neptune Rx and Chiron Rx: A new beginning is on the horizon. Can we see it? Can we feel it? Or is it still a foreign concept to us? Where is this so-called new beginning, anyway? Is it a place? No. Although sometimes, it can be. Is it a person? No. Although sometimes, it can be. Is it an event? No. Although sometimes, it can be. In truth, it can be whatever we want it to be. Sometimes it comes in the form of a knowing or an understanding. Other times it comes in the form of a new place to live, to work at, or simply to visit. But it feels new. It feels different. It can also feel unfamiliar because we've never been there before. How do we feel about the unknown? Do we feel enlivened by it? Or do we feel fearful of it? Know that fear can sometimes be a good thing, because it is a form of survival instinct. As the Moon moves through Scorpio, and forming a sextile to planets in Earth signs, we are guided to welcome the new and the unknown with open heart. Be diligent. Be gentle. Be discerning. There is wisdom in the here and the now. A new day brings a new reality. A new day offers new soil for planting new seeds. Do not bring our old fearful energy here. Bring our hope and inspiration with us instead. Now is the perfect time to take at least one action step dedicated to our goal and passion. Follow our dreams. Spread our wings. Let our soul soar. We deserve it.



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October 16th, 2015 | Moon in Sagittarius, conjuncts Saturn, squares Neptune Rx, Venus, Mars and Jupiter, sextiles Mercury and the Sun, trines Uranus Rx: The Moon conjoining with Saturn and forming a square to planets in Earth and Water signs can feel very restrictive. There should be at least one area of life where we feel extra restricted or confined. That feeling of "Oh God, will I ever reach that dream? Because it seems so out of reach!". Know that this is a great time to have a bird's eye view of things. To look at our life from a higher and broader perspective. To realize that this blocked feeling is only one aspect of our life. One moment of our life. One phase of our life. Like the Moon that goes down and gives way to the Sun every morning, we too have the ability to lift our spirits and grow beyond our limitations. Make the time for quiet reflection or meditation about our decisions to take our life to a higher level of inner peace. We do this by following our divine guidance, and putting our life lessons into practice. The new path that we are guided to take is now fully open for us. Even if we feel like we aren't ready, we are. We may not reach that dream today, or tomorrow. But do not let our ego dissuade or discourage us from our path. Have trust that our emotional feelings are a form of progress. That we are indeed in the process of melting away old blocks and awakening our heart center to the flow of love energy. Be open. Be bold. Align our life with our deep inner truth.



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October 19th, 2015 | Moon in Capricorn, sextiles Neptune Rx and Chiron Rx, squares Mercury, Uranus Rx and the Sun, trines Venus, Jupiter and Mars, conjuncts Pluto: How far are we willing to go within to understand our own emotions? How do we feel about surrendering to them? And how open are we to the possibility of having to let go of our old ideals, dreams, or beliefs? Know that sometimes surrendering doesn't mean letting go, but facing our own issues head on without trying to control or manipulate the outcome. There is freedom in knowing that we are willing to stand up to our own values, while at the same time being open to let go of old ideals, dreams and beliefs. There is wisdom in our decision to walk down a new road when it's time for us to make a brand new start. There is magic in having faith in the unknown as we follow our heart, intuition and gut instinct. As we begin the new week, release and let go of something painful that we've been holding on to. Focus on excitement about our new plans, instead of worry about what might happen. Excitement will fuel our motivation and courage to make this important positive change. Remember that life is about constant change and flow, and we block ourself when we hold on to something which has served its purpose. If we have been feeling blocked or stuck lately, creative expression can be the best medicine for bringing back our passion. Take responsibility for our role, and make clear decisions to not repeat negative patterns. Spend time exercising our intuitive muscles by listening to our inner guidance. We owe it to our soul to respect our feelings, and not mask them. Repeat Pluto's mantra: I know the truth by the way it feels.



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October 21st, 2015 | Moon in Aquarius, sextiles Saturn and Uranus Rx, inconjuncts Venus, Jupiter and Mars, trines Mercury and the Sun: What does it mean to go beyond our past limitations? Does it mean a time when we can free ourself from old worries and let go of insecurities about ourself and our life? Yes. That is one possibility. Another possibility would be to forgive ourself for what we think we have done or not done, and then to start seeing ourself in a brand new light. In truth, there is no one way to growth. But every experience can be an opportunity to learn and grow. Perhaps we had to go through some painful situations to realize the important life lessons that we have learned and earned. Perhaps we have worked hard to get to the place that we are now. Know that to grow means to learn from our experiences and to keep moving forward confidently on our path. We are now being pushed past our comfort zone to relate in a new way to one another. To communicate more honestly and openly from the heart. Sometimes that means bringing up subjects that were perhaps too awkward to talk about. There is a new way to deal with this if we are open to it. We are guided to do some inner work and explore other possibilities for ourself. To rearrange our schedules so that we can devote more time to our priorities. Even one hour daily devoted to our priorities will boost our enthusiasm for life and our confidence. Look for creative ways to spend one or more hours devoted just to ourself. It's time we rediscovered our true passion and reclaimed our soul's magic.



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October 24th, 2015 | Moon in Pisces, squares Saturn, conjuncts Neptune Rx, opposes Venus, Jupiter and Mars, sextiles Pluto: What is fear but the absence of inner peace? Often, the reason why we are overcome with fear is because we feel like we are losing control - hence the wanting to get back in control as soon as we can. Is it possible for us to let go of the fear when we are in this state? Well, we can begin by releasing our need to control. Because the more that we are trying to control, the more that fear will be present. Know that releasing the need to control doesn't mean that we are ignoring the reality of our situation. But more of an inner attempt to regain mental balance through the power of surrender. By releasing our need to control, we are able to process information better and therefore can grasp the reality of our situation with a calmer and more aware state of mind. In truth, whenever fear energy is present, that means the opposite is also present, which is the love energy. We can gain access to this love whenever we trust our inner peace to guide us, instead of being guided blindly by our fears or insecurities. Understand that we do not have to be overwhelmed by life's ups and downs, because we always have within us the power to consciously manifest a more peaceful state of mind. This is the key to divine wisdom. Now let's take a deep breath... hold... and in 3, 2, 1, release, let go, and affirm: All is well in this moment and in moments to come.



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October 26th, 2015 | Moon in Aries, trines Saturn, squares Pluto, opposes Mercury, conjuncts Uranus Rx: Honour the child within us and within others. Forgive ourself and release regrets we have about things we have done or haven't done. Look past surface illusions and see the underlying spiritual truth within everything. There is wisdom in starting over. There is love in saying yes to life. The Moon forming a trine to Saturn teaches the lesson in honouring and respecting every step of the way. To keep trying until we see the beauty in persistence paying off. To understand that every feeling is part of our sacred mental and emotional journey. To feel safe in making the changes we want to make and moving forward with trust. This is the story of human ambition. Regardless of where we were born on planet Earth, we belong to the same human race. Regardless of our different physical characteristics, there is the same spirit embedded within us. Ambition is what we're made off and it can be made of anything. The ambition to grow and become stronger. The hunger for knowledge and intellectual development. The drive to evolve and transform our life. To move from negativity and worry about what we don't have to practice gratitude for what we do have. The healing can start anytime, it might as well start right now. Listen and follow our inspiration to take positive action. Turn fear into faith!



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October 27th, 2015 | Full Moon in Taurus: What you take in is what you give out. What are we putting into our body? And what are we putting into our mind? What ideas are we taking in? And what energy are we giving out? Know that the way we perceive our world affects what energy we give out into the world. So are we aware of the energy that we are reflecting out into the world with our actions? There are two kinds of reflection. One is a reflection of love, and the other is of fear. Most of us struggle with these two because we all perceive things differently. We also think and feel differently from one moment to the next because of our changing moods and feelings. Then, what can we do to give out the kind of energy we want reflected back into our life? The first thing would be self-awareness. How are we feeling in this moment? Are we feeling good? Or are we feeling bad? It's a simple question, but the root of the answers may not always be so simple. Because sometimes we have to trace back to what really happened to us that are making us feel this way in this moment. What movies or shows are watching? What foods are we eating? What articles are we reading? What stories do we keep replaying in our mind? These factors play an important part in our perception. What we are taking in, is what we will give out. Once we are aware of this, then we can go to the next step, which is making the right choices for ourself. By understanding our own feelings, we will know what kind of energy we are emitting into the world. And from there, we can choose how we can move forward and make the changes that we are guided to make. Embrace the love within and be the love we wish to see in our world. Read more on:



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October 29th, 2015 | Moon in Gemini, opposes Saturn, squares Neptune Rx, Jupiter, Venus and Mars, sextiles Uranus Rx, trines Mercury: The Moon guides us to clear away negativity. This means clearing away any negativity that we may be holding towards ourself, consciously or unconsciously. Know that true positive change begins with ourself. Focus upon self-respect, for this is the foundation of self-love. By respecting ourself, we can begin to make choices that are for our highest and best good. Make a new promise to ourself. To talk and to live in integrity. To say what we mean and mean what we say. To align our life with our true beliefs and values. There is magic in following our inner guidance. There is love in following our true heart's whispers. Do not let illusions get the better of us. Do remain steadfast in the face of reality. We now hold the key to our divine wisdom. Use this key to open the door to authenticity, and begin listening to our inner truth. If there are differences of opinions or miscommunications between us and others, do our best to speak from the heart and not the mind. Because when our mind tries to rationalize, our heart tries to speak the truth from the standpoint of love and sensitivity. Like Kali, the Hindu goddess known as the destroyer of evil forces, it's time we transform negative forces with empowerment and perseverance. Can we recognize the power that is already embedded within us? If we do, can we trust it? Affirm: I trust myself and the flow of my life.

Yaviz Basalamah

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