New Moon in Scorpio | Burial of Old Fears

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 November 11th, 2015 

The ability to grow is directly related to the amount of insecurity you can take in your life.
Caitlyn Jenner (Ascendant + Sun in Scorpio)

New Moon in Scorpio: Give your fears the chance to transform you, not bury you.

Can we hear what our fears are trying to say? If we can, are we truly 'listening'? What does it mean to listen to our fears? It means delving deeper into our inner world to uncover the root cause of our fears. And if we're willing to look closer, we will see that the root of all fears is fear of the unknown. "If I do this, what will happen to me?". "If that happens, what will happen to my life?". "If I go to that place, will I be safe?". This doesn't mean that knowing the outcome of a situation in advance will make us feel better. Well, it does only if we know the outcome will match to what we actually want to happen. But what if it will not? This kind of question is the beginning of all worries that come into our mind. Does this mean that we shouldn't care about what will happen to us? No. It means that we shouldn't forget where our personal power currently resides. The present moment. Trusting our intuition or instincts is the first step we can take to better prepare for a future moment. If we are not ready to do something, simply don't do it. Especially if it involves anything that could jeopardize physical safety. Know that when we are finally ready to do something, that's when we will do it no matter the outcome. Then how about those people that say, "If not now, when?". Well, if we are truly not ready to do something, we wouldn't do it anyway. And if we end up doing it, it means that we are ready to face whatever the outcome — which in other words means that we are ready in some way. It is time for us to be gentle with ourself. To honour each step we take along the way. To not let our fears or insecurities define us, but to listen to them in a way that can enlighten us. Listening to what our fears are trying to say is the first step to finding our inner courage.

Happy New Moon! The Moon is in Scorpio conjoining Mercury and the Sun, marking an extra intuitive and intellectual New Moon in the sign of the Scorpion. What we discover within can bring in a new revelation about our long-held emotions and feelings. Perhaps we have been guided to look at our fears under a different light. Or perhaps we have been trying to break through old blocks to live more freely and courageously. Regardless of what we may be trying to release at this time, we have the celestial support to begin again. To start a more confident cycle where we are more in tuned with our soul. To let go of old, outdated beliefs we have about who we are because we are a different person now. If we're looking for the right time to transform our life, there is no better time to do it than this New Moon. New Moons in general, are a great time to plant new seeds. To state new intentions and begin a brand new cycle. To see old situations in a new way so that we can move forward with new eyes. What do we want to see? What can we do to grow and evolve? With a New Moon happening in the sign of Scorpio, we get to start again soul deep. Ruling the 8th House in Astrology, or the House of Intimacy and Self-Transformation, Scorpios are known for their intense emotions and dynamic personality. They may seem obsessive, suspicious or manipulative at times, but they are generally loyal and passionate people who are not afraid to dig deep to find the ultimate truth. Authenticity is very important to them and they expect nothing but honesty from other people. With Scorpio's ruling planets, Mars and Pluto currently in practical Earth signs, the doors are open for us to have the ideas, the drive and the self-discipline to manifest our desire.

The Moon is also forming a trine to Neptune Rx and Chiron Rx, and we are ready for our heart's detox and healing. Once we have gotten rid of stuck old emotions, we are ready to be more attuned to that higher self and aligned with the deeper love and wisdom of our heart. This is our time to shine in our own divine light. The more that we can open our eyes to the beauty that lies within us and all around us, the more that we can inspire and uplift others. Be open to learning new skills and information. We could feel inspired to do some research related to our dreams, intentions and life purpose. This means spending time doing reading, online research, meditating, or taking a class. With the Moon's sextile to Pluto and Jupiter, trust the messages we get, and listen to our inner truth. Especially if we get an intuition to change or improve our plans. Do not allow fears to limit our choices. Change is indeed on the way, but we shouldn't fear anything new. Embrace the unknown with a positive mindset. Remember that we have come a long way, and there's still a lot to learn. The New Moon reminds us that our emerging spiritual awareness has helped us to look and feel deeply within ourself, without denying what we find. Our task - as a cosmic being awakening to our potential, is to recognize that we are capable of being conscious. And when we realize that being conscious feels richer and more vivid than we might have imagined, then we are able to experience genuine spiritual transformation. There is no other way forward now but to recognize, accept, and heal the inner stuck fearful patterns. It is time we give our fears the chance to transform us into becoming our most authentic, empowered and awakened self.

Yaviz Basalamah

New Moon in Scorpio: Conjunct Mercury / the Sun ● Trine Neptune Rx / Chiron Rx
in Pisces ● Sextile Pluto in Capricorn and Jupiter in Virgo


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