Moon in Sights | January 4 - 29 2015

Full Moon in Cancer | January 4 - 6 2015
I think life is always dangerous. Some people get afraid of it. Some people don't go forward. But some people, if they want to achieve their goal, they have to go. They have to move. -Malala Yousafzai (youngest Nobel Prize laureate, Cancer Sun) Happy Full Moon! The Sun in Capricorn is opposite the Moon in Cancer, marking a Full Moon in the sign of the Crab. With the first Full Moon in 2015 happening in the Moon's home sign of Cancer, this is a year of getting back in touch with the root of our emotions. It may not be easy to figure out why we feel the way we do. By taking the time to stop and listen to our own feelings, we can often find the answers that we're looking for. This is something that we tend to forget when we are in the midst of our own thoughts. The Moon in Cancer is trining Neptune in Pisces, and we have lots of love to share. We feel more passionate and caring, and there can be a great feeling of connection between us and our friends and family. The Moon will also form an opposition to Pluto - which is currently conjunct the Sun in Capricorn, and it's time to make way for the new. Whether that means facing old feelings so they can be released and cleared, or releasing an unwanted pattern by forgiving one or more people, we will know what it is we are ready to relinquish. With the Moon's square to Uranus in Aries, concentrate solely on the positive. We'll feel extra sharp to handle anything complex or otherwise. We can deal with difficult attitudes by using our creative mind and feelings in putting the pieces of the story together. Remember that when we don't know how to continue, when we don't know what to do, and feel like we are stuck in a place, ask the following question; What can I learn from this situation that can be beneficial to my ever-evolving journey on becoming the most authentic version of myself?



★ ★ ★ ★ 

Moon in Leo | January 6 - 8 2015
No matter what you do, there will always be those who misunderstand your intentions. This shouldn't stop you from living in the best way that you know how in every moment. In today's world, there are people who think that internet is just an illusion. And there are also people who think that internet has helped them tremendously in their life. Who is right in this case? No one is. Because every person has a different life story, and each story counts for something. No one can fully experience what another is going through, and so the best thing we can do is to open our mind enough to learn more about each other - whether through the internet or any other modes of interaction. The Moon is in Leo along with Jupiter Rx, and it's a great time to bond and to feel good by doing things we love. Giving and responding to others with a kind word can be very rewarding, as we will finally realize where our heart truly lies. With the Moon in Leo forming a trine to Saturn in Sagittarius and Uranus in Aries, we can stay on top of things by remembering our place. This is the way to keep that deadline we need to meet. We can discover new ways to express our creativity and open our mind to shared ideas that will benefit our life and the lives of others. Our sense of humor can also help to change many situations in our favor during this time. The Leo Moon is opposing Mercury, Venus and Mars in Aquarius, and we might need to do some more balancing than usual. Love may hurt at times but it also brings lots of joy and inspiration. Events this week will help us open our mind more to what relationships will be to us. Let our heart soar and our mind strengthen us on our search for the true inner self.



★ ★ ★ ★ 

Moon in Virgo | January 9 - 11 2015
Having a clear vision of what you want to achieve evokes a sense of hope and determination that can pull you forward into the future of your dreams. The Moon is in Virgo, and old bridges that have crumbled will give us a better chance of building new and stronger ones. Putting our heart into important matters could help us and the people around us turn things around in the next few weeks. It's a wonderful time to do better planning and be very attentive to details, for even the smallest things could make a big difference on our path. The Virgo Moon is forming a square to Saturn in Sagittarius and an opposition to Neptune in Pisces, and we can be inspired to get rid of negativity around us. Our sense of purpose has a lot of meaning behind it, and we will be able to respond to what our senses are telling us. Don't give in to pressures happening at work, instead show our enthusiasm and strength in improving our situation. With the trine to the Sun and Pluto in Capricorn, break free from the old way of dealing with our emotions. A positive attitude will set us in a wonderful direction where we can aim high for those goals. Take a deep breath, let our head clear and our heart lead us. Completion and the end of a cycle are at hand.



★ ★ ★ ★ 

Moon in Libra | January 11 - 13 2015
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I'll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about. -Rumi The Moon is in Libra sextiling Saturn in Sagittarius, and we have the boldness and the backbone to face the world with a hopeful spirit. Respect the possible and believable, and good things could come our way. The Moon in Libra will form a square to Pluto and the Sun in Capricorn, and our stubborn streak will see to it that we persevere. More than one person could help to change our life, but the success of these changes would depend on our attitude towards ourself and those close to us. Know that we have what it takes to control our thoughts and actions. With the trine to Mercury and Venus in Aquarius, keep our mind open to differences of opinion in others - as this is a time of learning. Others will enjoy our quiet and calm comeback on questions asked. We'll be bright minded and quick thinking, and we know just what to say to whom and where. A mutual respect on ideals from both sides could build on the bonds between us and others. A shared experience is the key to humanity and understanding.



★ ★ ★ ★ 

Moon in Scorpio | January 14 - 16 2015
It's easier to judge than it is to participate. Be a participator of love. A participator of hope. A participator of positive change. The Moon in Scorpio is forming a trine to Mars and Neptune in Pisces, making this a good time to figure out what pieces in our proverbial closet need to be discarded and which need to be held on to. By taking action at this time, we could get ahead to the root of any problem. And we could move in a new direction where we will be able to use our creativity in a positive way. The Scorpio Moon will square the Mercury / Venus conjunction in Aquarius and Jupiter Rx in Leo, and our emotions might be trying to take over. Try to take a moment to calm down and think before we speak. There might be a battle of wills going on, but we are more open to challenges now as we see them as a way to move forward. With the sextile to Pluto and the Sun in Capricorn, there will be a driving force behind us to succeed in anything we put our mind to. Imagine the big picture we want to bring into reality, then explore new roads with vigor and fortitude. No longer allow others to have power over us, and do not be afraid of what others might think or say. Affirm; In each moment I feel my inner strength.



★ ★ ★ ★ 

Moon in Sagittarius | January 16 - 18 2015
All prayer, by the humble or highly placed, has one thing in common: supplication for strength and inspiration to carry on the best human impulses which should bind us together for a better world. -Walt Disney (Sagittarius Sun) The Moon is joining with Saturn in Sagittarius while squaring Mars and Neptune in Pisces, bringing our energy back in full swing to aim for the best in life and seize every opportunity to show what we're truly capable of. We may have a lot on our plate, but there's always a chance to grow and move beyond our current situation. Instead of letting one moment of pessimism get in the way, shift our focus back on what we can do in the present to make space for progress. All those commitments we have can be looked at in a new way, as we proceed with a powerful energy behind us to perform at our best with others. 

The Sagittarius Moon will form a sextile to the Mercury / Venus conjunction in Aquarius and the North Node in Libra, and deeper insights into our relationships will move us to make changes where possible as the desire to do good grows. Try to go with the flow and remember that communication is key. Do we feel strong enough to say no? Are others over stepping our boundaries? Our first duty is to ourself and important decisions we make at this time can bring in more benefits to our personal and collective goals. With the Moon's trine to Uranus in Aries and Jupiter Rx in Leo, unexpected good news could come in connection with social activities, travel or learning. We can experience a stronger will to express ourself and with confidence. It's time to believe in the power of our prayer and positive focus as much as we believe in the power of our action. Let our aims broaden our mind and our aspirations expand our horizons.



★ ★ ★ ★ 

Moon in Capricorn | January 18 - 20 2015
There is peace in my solitude, for I know I'm never alone. I have my soul with me. We have a choice in every moment. To think differently. To feel differently. To be the kind of person we want to be. To pause and see whether we are looking at the world from a place of pain, or a place of love. As only when we face the world from our heart and soul, can we be our more loving, genuine and powerful self. We are ultimately never alone. Wherever we may be. We always have our soul, our light, our peace, our power. The Moon is in Capricorn along with Pluto and the Sun, guiding us to feel more secure as we make our way to progress on the path we have chosen. There is good energy surrounding our ideas, making this a potent time to share our thoughts and feelings with those close to us. We are also approaching a New Moon in a couple of days. So get ready to clear out old clutter to make space for the new.

The Capricorn Moon is sextiling Mars and Neptune in Pisces, and planning comes together as we are energized to turn things around despite earlier setbacks. We remain committed and have great imagination to apply to our work which can be very effective. With the square to Uranus in Aries and the North Node in Libra, we may be challenged in working on a new project. Or there could be some changes happening soon that we'll have to adapt to, with the help of our loved ones. We may learn something very valuable at this time about sentimental values. Perhaps family members from afar will be moved by our thoughtfulness. We too, could be touched by memories of the past - experiences that have brought us to become who we are today. As we keep following that which excites us it increases our energy and momentum to their fullest, bringing us one step closer to a new, more divinely inspired phase of our life. (Photo by Firman Hananda Boedihardjo)



★ ★ ★ ★ 

New Moon in Aquarius | January 20 - 22 2015
★ New Moon Notes! ★ My three wishes: 1. _______________________ 2. _______________________ 3. _______________________ Three things I'm ready to let go: 1. _______________________ 2. _______________________ 3. _______________________ Happy New Moon! The Sun and the Moon are conjoining together in Aquarius - marking a New Moon in the sign of the Water Bearer. It's a wonderful time to jot down new wishes and intentions. As well as figure out which things (thoughts, ideas, patterns) are ready to be left in the past. Apart from the Sun and the Moon we also have Mercury in Aquarius which is about to go retrograde, and Venus which has been opposing Jupiter Rx in Leo. Pay attention to those dreams we wish to manifest. These dreams can hold the right messages for us, to whom and when we need to make changes. As we are open to look at things from other people's point of view, opportunities can arise that are bound to take us into a new direction. Just remember to look into our inner self when superstitions and opinions of others muddle our mind. With the Moon's sextile to Saturn in Sagittarius and Uranus in Aries, it's a good time to finish some of those old projects. We have the capacity at this time to do great thinking and develop our skills with the strong atmosphere of inspiration. Get rid of anything that makes us doubt and concentrate more on the good things all around us. We will have a new ground to explore this week where signs along the way show a good omen. It could be fate that has worked things out the way it's meant to be.



★ ★ ★ ★ 

Moon in Pisces | January 22 - 24 2015
The ideals which have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully, have been kindness, beauty, and truth. -Albert Einstein (Pisces Sun) The Moon is in Pisces conjoining with Neptune, Mars and Chiron, guiding us to examine our inner self more, as we will discover that part of us that is ready to move forward and start anew. Words that are soft and loaded with sweet promises could inspire us to offer a helping hand in something that can turn out great both ways. The Pisces Moon is squaring Saturn in Sagittarius, and we may not agree with someone who is older or perhaps more experienced when they give a bit of criticism - especially coming from a loved one. When we think about it, we will realize that they mean well. Be the first to make a joke or share something kind as this will soften the atmosphere and make the day more sunny. With the quincunx to the North Node in Libra, we should do great with our intuition as it can save us from getting involved with something that may not be right for us at this time - but could evolve into something better in the future. We can practice on our mind reading which should be fascinating and let ourselves be taken to unknown places of insight. The Moon in Pisces will later form a sextile to Pluto in Capricorn, and our mind is the sharpest when we take the initiative to work on those assignments that hold much promise. We can look towards commitments with a more positive outlook, and should find it easier to focus. Now is the time to release the past, as the burden of carrying our past has made us weary. Keep only the lessons, and leave everything else behind. We now have the opportunity to write a new script, one that is more in line with our truth and inspiration.



★ ★ ★ ★ 

Moon in Aries | January 24 - 26 2015
The new is not a destination. It is found in every step of the way. Like the cells in your body, new ones are produced every day - and with them, new chances for growth, hope, and creation. The Moon is joining with Uranus in Aries, and it's a time of creativity and exploration. There will be plenty of emotional change going on, so even if we do the simplest things we will have done something that brings more inspiration our way. The Moon in Aries is forming a trine to Saturn in Sagittarius, and our skills will bring a steady flow of productivity - so be sure to use this to our advantage. Pay close attention as we have the will to change gears to be more of a leader in our own world. With the square to Pluto in Capricorn, we may get very stubborn and set in our ways. Remember to keep an open mind at this time, as we could find life giving us new exciting experiences by going into new directions.

The Aries Moon will form a sextile to the Sun, Mercury Rx and Venus in Aquarius, and we will be inspired by the attitude that certain people bring to us so that our creative skills blossom with positive energy. Let others surprise us in their own special ways, and let them have their fun - even if it does come across a bit weird at times. We will learn something new by really listening to the people around us. With the Moon's trine to Jupiter Rx in Leo later on, we could feel the itch as creative thoughts turn to play. We have the power of independence now. And under the circumstances, we're doing very well in reaching for those goals and objectives. We have every chance of enjoying our time - not knowing what's coming next is part of the adventure. Open a new door.



★ ★ ★ ★ 

Moon in Taurus | January 26 - 28 2015
Keep calm, love more, worry less. The Moon is in Taurus forming a quincunx to Saturn in Sagittarius, providing us with the opportunity to make progress in letting go of old patterns. Don't think of ourself as less or better than other people, for we always have our unique potential and greatness embedded in our soul. To inspire, to be inspired, and to make a difference. Now is a great time to show what we have within us. Be patient, and do not rush to see results. All the good will be revealed in time. The Taurus Moon is sextiling Neptune and Mars in Pisces. Take a deep look inside our heart - something could be burning with passion. Be a little more playful and devote our time to our inspirations, we will be surprised at what transpires. With the square to the Sun / Mercury Rx / Venus in Aquarius and Jupiter Rx in Leo, we may be changing our mind several times as we try to decide which situations to ignore. Note down what we feel is most important at this time. We can create a world of beauty around us when we put our heart and soul into an opportunity that comes our way. The Moon in Taurus will form a trine to Pluto in Capricorn, and situations with others can take a turn for the better if we look hard enough for new ways to build a good rapport. We can stay clear of any difficulty as our intuition takes over. A lot more will become clear to us even though it took us a long time to realize. Do not second guess ourself, have fun and appreciate the moment.



★ ★ ★ ★ 

Moon in Gemini | January 29 - 31 2015
Your words echo. Echo your dreams. The Moon is in Gemini forming an opposition to Saturn in Sagittarius, reminding us that we have the backbone to put into practice what we have worked so hard for. With new strength, our enthusiasm has us moving forward with a clear eye to the future. Just remember not to let pessimism and guilt get the better of us. Learn to accept that each person is on a unique journey, and not everyone is like us. The Gemini Moon is squaring Venus, Neptune and Mars in Pisces, and our sixth sense will lead us to do what is right and to stay positive, no matter what. We have greater compassion for people and our feelings are deep and intense - making it easier for us to make new friends. We will feel changes taking place even though it's not yet visible, but we know it is there with the growing anticipation. With Venus now in Pisces, romance is in the stars. So use our creative side at this time to incorporate more love, self care and imagination into our daily life.

The Moon in Gemini will form a trine to the Sun and Mercury Rx in Aquarius, and we will find it easy to read other people when meetings and greetings take place with a more relaxed approach. Emotions will be shared, a few laughs, and perhaps some sarcastic comments to get the adrenaline going but nothing we can't handle. The busiest moments will also be the most thrilling, as we have great energy behind our actions and feel more confident. Make sure we don't miss the smaller details, and don't be in a rush to sign anything. With the sextile to Uranus in Aries and Jupiter Rx in Leo, do not turn down invitations this week as one of them will turn out to be really exciting and different. We could find an exhilarating time being out of our comfort zone for once and find out how fun life can be by letting things go. Keep those positive thoughts and talks going, and be prepared to embrace the gifts that we attract. Curiosity is the key word, and positivity, your guide.

'Moon in Gemini' poster inspired by Dior Spring 2015 Couture

Yaviz Basalamah

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