New Moon in Capricorn | Rat Race Blues and Other Hues Beyond

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 December 29th, 2016 

New Moon in Capricorn:
As I look back on the year, it's not how much I've accomplished
that catches my attention, but how much I've grown on
my journey to embodying my true, authentic self.

How far along are we on the road to our dreams? Are we getting close to them? Or do those dreams always seem to slip further away from us? Do we still even believe in our dreams? Or are we losing our faith in them? As we look back on the year, what catches our attention? Do we choose to focus on what we haven't accomplished? Or do we cherish the challenges we encountered on our journey and our transformation along the way? 

Can we still feel like the same person without them coming true? Or would we feel like a failure? In the end, this is not about whether our dreams have come true or not. This is about us moving forward. About seeing the bigger picture and the breakthroughs we have made mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Some may see glimpses of new possibilities on the horizon, while others see broken dreams as their dead end destiny. How can we uplift ourselves when we feel like we are stuck in the rat race? Can we see broken dreams as our old paradigms being broken? 

Rather than only focusing on what we cannot do, do one small thing to make today better than yesterday. Begin to embrace our own version of simple happiness. Know that we can't compare happiness, because each person has their own concepts of happiness. What we see as happiness in another may not be the kind of happiness we want for ourselves in reality. In essence, we are both light and dark. We are positive and negative. Happiness and sadness are two sides of the same coin. Just remember who we truly are inside and start reaffirming our transformation!

Can we see broken dreams as our old paradigms being broken? 

Happy New Moon! The Moon is joining Mercury Rx, the Sun and Pluto in Capricorn, marking a melancholy yet transformational New Moon in the sign of the mountain goat. By turning inward, we get a chance to discover what it means to understand our emotions. How can we know who we truly are without understanding the reasons behind our emotions? With the Moon conjoining Pluto, peeling the layers of superficiality is the theme of this New Moon.

The more that we focus on outer labels, the less we are in touch with our deeper, inner selves. The more that we look outside of ourselves to create a sense of identity, the further away we get from really knowing ourselves. It is as though we have to reawaken something inside ourselves in order to embody our authentic truth. Embodying our authenticity means being grounded in our deepest beliefs, values and truth and living a life that is a true reflection of them. It is also about being true to ourselves through our thoughts, words and actions. Will we ever be perfect at honoring our own truth? No, but we can strive for excellence. It is mainly a matter of where we place our focus.

How can we know who we truly are without understanding
the reasons behind our emotions?

By holding the intention of being true to ourselves, we focus our attention on whatever resonates with our true, authentic selves. By doing more and more of those things that express our truth and less and less of those that do not, we learn to hold ourselves accountable for true authenticity and sincerity. Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn is all about recapturing the magic in honoring our power by expressing our voice. Release the need to prove our truth, because our experiences are ours alone, and they have shaped who we are. Let go of comparing ourselves to others and keep moving forward on our unique journey of authenticity.

The Moon is forming a sextile to Mars and Neptune, and we have the power to propel our ideas forward and make things happen. Now is the time to act, because we can build momentum and make headway. As we remember that we are the co-creator of our reality and to a certain extent the shaper of our destiny, we can confidently stake our claim and get things done. The synchronicities and intuitive nudges we feel will help us see which way we are being pointed, giving us the confidence to charge ahead with Spirit as our guidance. 

As we remember that we are the co-creator of our reality and
to a certain extent the shaper of our destiny, we can
confidently stake our claim and get things done.

With the Moon's square to Uranus Rx and Jupiter, we remember that life is a series of ebb and flow. We all have positive and negative emotions. Self-realization is ultimately about realizing that we are human with real and raw emotions. It is important to see that our good and bad days mold who we are. When we feel guilty, ashamed, angry or sad, we are actually being redirected to becoming a catalyst for change. By accepting that negative emotions happen for a purpose, we can see a breakdown as a way to a new breakthrough.

The Capricorn New Moon comes with a very deep and soulful message about our mission on earth and why we are here. The reason why we chose to come into a human body at this time is not only to accumulate material goods, acquire awards, praise or recognition. We have come here to help. And the greatest form of help is through sharing our light and love wherever we go. We may express this love through a career profession, and yet any career can be a vehicle for healing and empowering. And by holding this intention, we can activate our purpose and reawaken our soul's true potential.

Yaviz Basalamah

New Moon in Capricorn: Conjunct Mercury Rx, the Sun and
Pluto ● Sextile Mars and Neptune in Pisces ● Square
Uranus Rx in Aries and Jupiter in Libra



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