Full Moon in Scorpio | The Soulful Gifts of Pain

Photo by Tim Mossholder

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 May 10th, 2017 

Full Moon in Scorpio:
Seeing pain as a catalyst for evolution is the first step
to transforming and healing your soul.

What are pain's benefits? What are pain's soulful gifts? Can we really find happiness through our pain? Yes, we can. But the gifts of pain are subtle. The gifts of pain are personal. They may not be so easily found at first due to their mysterious nature. But they are available to us once we are able to accept our pain. 

One important factor in dealing with pain is figuring out whether they are physical or emotional in nature. Sometimes, our physical pain can come from our emotional pain, and other times, our emotional pain can come from our physical pain. Both pain may be different in nature, but they come from the same root, that something is out of balance.

 The gifts of pain are personal. 

When we are worrying too much, fearing too much, envying too much, hating too much or loving too much, we lose our emotional and physical equilibrium. Although there is nothing inherently wrong about showering someone with love, there is a thin line between being attentive and smothering or overwhelming.

By looking at our pain as a catalyst for evolution, we can begin the journey to transformation and healing. By looking at our pain as a catalyst for growth, we can begin to realize our full potential and increase our self-awareness. 

Each pain brings with it the opportunity to reconnect with our soul on a deeper level. Each pain brings with it the promise of mental and emotional growth. Do not resist pain, because it only leads to more suffering. Instead, really listen to our emotions, accept fully what we are struggling with and begin recognizing new paths to growth and evolution.

 By looking at our pain as a catalyst for growth, 
 we can begin to realize our full potential 
 and increase our self-awareness. 

Happy Full Moon! The Moon in Scorpio is opposite the Sun in Taurus, marking a deeply emotional and transformational Full Moon in the sign of the Scorpion. Ruling the 8th House in astrology, the Scorpio themes are centered around other people's money, taxes, debts, as well as sex, love affairs, taboos, and matters regarding death, rebirth and transformation. A Full Moon in the sign of Scorpio can shine a light on those subjects, even though they are not always so easy to figure out or even talk about. 

With the Moon's trine to Neptune and Chiron, faith is the answer. Faith in healing. Faith in growing. Faith in moving forward fearlessly. Sometimes it may be easier said than done, but faith is exactly what we need when we are in the midst of darkness. Having faith is not about believing in the unreal, but more about believing in our inner wisdom and trusting that new roads are opening up before us when we are willing to break through old beliefs and barriers.

The Moon is also forming a sextile to Pluto Rx, and it's time to overcome our fears. The truth may hurt, but lies hurt more. As we nurture more self-love and self-confidence, we let go of the temptation of powerlessness. Powerlessness blocks us from our true purpose. Powerlessness stops us from taking charge and moving forward.

 The truth may hurt, but lies hurt more. 

In the end, the Full Moon in Scorpio is about unlocking and realizing our inner power. It's about mastering the power within - not to hurt others, but to take charge of our own lives and stop getting in our own way. 

Taking control over our lives shouldn't be about being controlling, but about recognizing that the power to live our lives authentically is in our hands. By putting ourselves in the driver's seat of our lives, not only will we stop ourselves from feeling stuck, but we will also take back authority over our physical, mental and emotional bodies.

Yaviz Basalamah

Full Moon in Scorpio: Trine Neptune in Pisces ● Sextile
Pluto Rx in Pisces ● Oppose the Sun in Taurus



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