New Moon in Scorpio | Following Your Star

Photography by Nicholas Barbaros

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November 7th, 2018

 New Moon in Scorpio: 
 Follow your star and let your authenticity expand

Do you know what you have always wanted to do, but haven't done yet? Do you know what matters most to you? What your soul craves? What you long for? This is not about hobbies — although that can be one of the first steps. The steps to finding your real joy. The steps to recognizing what makes your heart sing. The steps to living your authenticity. This is about what makes your soul happy. This is about discovering ways to align your passion with your work. This is about bringing your purpose to life. 

Know that having a sense of purpose makes you more resilient. Having a sense of hope gives you an internal strength. Realizing that life is a series of learning experiences gives you the will to never stop learning and growing. You can discover your purpose when you own what energizes you and lights you up. You can begin living your authenticity when you open your eyes to what makes you come alive. As Maya Angelou (American poet, singer, memoirist, and civil rights activist) once said, "We are only as blind as we want to be."

"You can discover your purpose when you own
what energizes you and lights you up."

Happy New Moon! The Moon is joining the Sun and Jupiter in Scorpio, marking a creative and expansive New Moon in the sign of the Scorpion. Are you ready to grow new seeds of creativity? Are you ready to redefine your path and follow your star? Your star is your truth. Your star is your power. Your star is your goals and dreams. Finding your path and living your truth is not about leaving everything behind in order to live your authenticity. It is more about recognizing your voice and utilizing it to live up to your vision. From there, you can begin uncovering your unique path and take steps towards your purpose.

The Scorpio Moon is forming a sextile to Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, and it's about getting out of your own way to make room for new possibilities. Find out what is and isn't working, and begin creating a strategic plan so that you are one step closer to a goal. What is achievable at this point in time in your life? Take the time to really think about the answer, and then go do it. You will know what feels right because you will know what course of action to take.

"Your star is your truth. Your star is your power.
Your star is your goals and dreams."

The Moon in Scorpio is also forming a trine to Neptune Rx in Pisces, and you understand that finding a sense of purpose yourself is not enough without creating a sense of purpose for others in the process. You understand that you can find success and create prosperity for yourself only by helping others succeed and create prosperity for themselves. The magic lies in working together towards a common goal.

With the Moon's square to Mars in Aquarius, you learn that you block yourself from your creative powers when you forget how to believe in yourself. Whether you're thinking about not being an expert or that it's not the right time, unblocking your creativity begins as you stop dwelling on the past and start anew. Release your fear to explore by cultivating the mindset of a learner. Let go of your need to control the outcome and allow creative exploration to unfold.

"You block yourself from your creative powers when
you forget how to believe in yourself."

The New Moon in Scorpio is a time for reawakening to your true purpose. A time for reigniting your true passion. A time for rediscovering your true joy. What can you do in order to bring more truth into your life? With Scorpio's ruling planet, Pluto, energizing the New Moon, you are being asked to dive deep into your soul and ask yourself: How can I be more honest with myself and others? Am I happy with the way things are currently unfolding in my life? Where does my power reside within me? The answer lies in reclaiming your ability to create.



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