No Time to Give Up | Your Astrology + Horoscopes for February 2019

Photo by Matthew Henry

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 No time to give up. 
 Nowhere to go but up! 

When you think people doubt your abilities, it's simple. Remove that thought. When you think what you do doesn't make a difference, it's simple. Remove that thought. We all struggle with self-doubt at some point, but learning the art of surrender can actually help us be more true to ourselves and live with more passion.

Surrendering is not the same as giving up. To surrender means to stop fighting. Whether that means to stop fighting with yourself or to stop fighting with the natural flow of circumstances, surrendering begins when you let go of an attachment to a particular outcome.

Understand that surrender is actually not a state of inaction. When we act from a place of surrender, we stop trying to control things — which is rooted in fear. It is more about taking action from a space of openness. A space where you can be more receptive and let the current carry you downstream, instead of you swimming upstream.

"Surrender is actually not a state of inaction." 

When you understand the difference between giving up and surrender or detachment, you will see that there is always a way for you to move forward. There is always a way for you to move in a new direction. To detach from your intended outcome is one of the keys to creating your reality from a more conscious perspective. Yes, there may be times when it is wise to know when to give up. But this is not about seeing giving up as the end of it all.

This is about seeing giving up as a way to release what no longer serves your purpose. What no longer works. What can be changed. Seeing giving up as an option to move upwards is the first step to finding your new path. A path that is more relevant to where you are today. There is peaceful energy that surrounds you when you are not forcing yourself to do something. This energy is magic. This energy is you taking action from a place of surrendering to your highest good. Your fullest potential. Be receptive to this energy. And then begin taking that next step.

"There is always a way for you to move in a new direction."

There will be a New Moon on February 4th. The Moon will be joining the Sun and Mercury in Aquarius, marking a free-thinking and future-oriented New Moon in the sign of the Water Bearer. This is your chance to start afresh! The Aquarian energy is potent with fresh, new beginnings. This is the perfect time to think outside the box. To take a different route. To be innovative. This is not the time to be wary of the unknown. This is your time to explore the unexplored. Understanding that by exploring the new, you open up to the possibility of you actually enjoying (and benefiting from) something new.

The Moon will be forming a sextile to Jupiter in Sagittarius as well as Mars and Uranus in Aries, giving you the courage to grow from exploring the new. You don't grow from taking action you've always taken. What growth asks from you is for you to try adopting a new attitude, a new way of thinking and literally taking new action. A spirit of self-challenge opens you up to new ideas that may very well be better than the ones you currently hold dear. Trust the process. Clear your 'space'. Set New Moon intentions.

"You don't grow from taking action you've always taken."

You will also have a Full Moon on February 19th. The Moon will be in Virgo forming an opposition to the Sun, Neptune, and Mercury in Pisces, marking an alchemical and spiritual New Moon in the sign of the Virgin. How are your New Year's resolutions going? Have you formed your new desired habits? Or are you just starting out? Wherever you are on your progress, you still have plenty of time left. Find some time to understand your schedule better and see where you can add in some goal-smashing activities.

The Moon will be forming a trine to Mars in Taurus as well as Saturn, Venus, and Pluto in Capricorn. If you are having trouble meeting your goals, make sure they are attainable and realistic. It may be easy to get caught up in the latest healthy eating plan or exercise routines. But this is not about that. This is about you staying focused on what actually works for you. Participating in an activity that you enjoy or eating nutritious foods that you actually like will help you stick with them over the long haul.

"Find some time to understand your schedule better and see
where you can add in some goal-smashing activities."

With the Moon's square to Jupiter in Sagittarius, tasks that seem overwhelming can be accomplished if you break them into more manageable steps. Begin your journey by recognizing that the most important part of goal-setting is not in achieving it, but in defining it. What do you hope to achieve? What sacrifices will you need to make? How is it going to impact other parts of your life, such as your personal and family life? Is your goal achievable with the time and the resources that you have? 

February is a time to revisit your New Year's resolutions. A time to try new things to stimulate your creativity and see old ideas in a new light. A time to give up old ways that no longer work and give in to self-empowering beliefs that propel you towards your goals. You have an opportunity to radically change your way of thinking. And this will motivate you to have a growth mindset, one that not only gives you the courage to follow through but also allows the spirit of openness, innovation and creativity to flourish.



The New Moon in Aquarius on February 4th highlights a part of your sky that has to do with your wishes and highest aspirations as well as your friendships and groups you belong to. Your dreams can be your main focus as you are becoming more mindful not just of your dreams, but also of the real barriers that are before you. There is a more effective way of achieving your goals, and the New Moon opens you up to a new method of working that will allow you to create new solutions to tackle old problems. You will also have a Full Moon in Virgo on February 19th highlighting a part of your sky that has to do with your work, health, and daily routines. New year, new habits? Energy flows where attention goes. When you put your attention on clear, realistic goals, you can find it easier to maintain a healthy momentum. Even if you believe that both your diet and lifestyle need radical change, you'll be motivated to keep going if you don't change everything at once.  


The New Moon in Aquarius on February 4th highlights a part of your sky that has to do with your career, legacy and how you are seen as a figure on the world stage. A career overhaul is in the works. Whether you are thinking about leaving your current job or looking for some kind of a career reroute, the answer lies in clear communication. Communicating your needs clearly is not about issuing an ultimatum, but more about open communication, compromise, and cooperation. You will also have a Full Moon in Virgo on February 19th highlighting a part of your sky that has to do with your inner child and creativity as well as playful romance. Do you remember how to have childlike fun? Life without fun and games is not only dull, but also unhealthy. Make room for spontaneity. Allow playful moments to help you recapture your creativity and childlike energy. Understanding that by honoring your need for unfiltered joy, you are honoring your mental, emotional and physical wellbeing.


The New Moon in Aquarius on February 4th highlights a part of your sky that has to do with broadening your mind and horizons as well as long distance travel, higher education, philosophy, and religion. Are you thinking big enough? With endless reminders and to-do lists, it's easy to get bogged down. By learning to think big, you will find a real sense of purpose and defeat that modern life brain overload. Remember that thinking big is not about thinking irrationally. It's more about making room for what matters most to you, and then finding your focus by embracing the basics — one positive action step at a time. You will also have a Full Moon in Virgo on February 19th highlighting a part of your sky that has to do with your home, your family, and your roots. There is something undeniably important about your heritage. Only by recognizing the true value of the foundation that has been laid under you can you see your higher calling and unique destiny.


The New Moon in Aquarius on February 4th highlights a part of your sky that has to do with deep transformation, sex, death, rebirth, magick, and taboos. It's about time you embraced your new identity. One that is no longer attached to old grudges but imbued with a new sense of empowerment and peace. You have been through a lot and now is the time for another soulful rebirth. This is not about forgetting your troubles. This is about you owning your new identity because your old one has served its purpose. The new you is here and you are where you need to be, in your own heart's company. You will also have a Full Moon in Virgo on February 19th highlighting a part of your sky that has to do with the way you perceive the world and how it influences your communication process. What you see colors the language you speak. As you embody the highest version of yourself you will start speaking from a place of true vulnerability, connection, and liberation. 


LEO ♌︎
The New Moon in Aquarius on February 4th highlights a part of your sky that has to do with your partnerships and relationships of any kind. Have you been feeling like you have less and less in common with 'others'? Has that 'us' vs. 'them' gotten more pronounced in your life? Whatever the case may be, recognizing what you have in common instead of what makes 'them' different will help you connect on a much deeper level. You have power at your disposal to rise above the ego and reconnect with what makes you truly human. You will also have a Full Moon in Virgo on February 19th highlighting a part of your sky that has to do with your physical senses, personal values and the way you feel about your possessions. Yes, you are what you wear, but you are also so much more than that. There is wisdom in knowing that the message you're trying to send to the world will be heard more clearly when you are not only dressing your truth, but also speaking your truth.


The New Moon in Aquarius on February 4th highlights a part of your sky that has to do with your work, health, and daily routines. Are you sticking to your New Year's resolutions? This can be the start of a new daily routine where you feel more in alignment with your soul's purpose. You can add good habits that directly relate to your personal goals, and this puts you in completely new energy and the right mindset to tackle the month's challenges. You will also have a Full Moon on February 19th highlighting a part of your sky that has to do with well, you! Happy Full Moon, Virgo! You are ready for a brand new you. After all the hustle and bustle of your new daily routines, you are developing a learning mindset where you see risks as opportunities for development. With a growth mindset, you get out of your own way and you tell yourself that you can do this. And guess what? Yes, you can! There is no better time to doubt your limits than now.


The New Moon in Aquarius on February 4th highlights a part of your sky that has to do with your inner child and creativity as well as playful romance. Are you having fun? How can you feel freer? The New Moon brings the reminder that your creative blocks are not you running out of ideas, but your soul trying to push you into better ones. This is the moment to think outside the box. Perhaps you need to work with deadlines, listen to podcasts while you work, or do something mindless. Whatever the case may be, you have the power to show up and get down to business. Sooner rather than later, new ideas will flow. You will also have a Full Moon in Virgo on February 19th highlighting a part of your sky that has to do with your subconscious mind, dreams, and imaginations. You are at the top of your game when you are curious, playful, and open. You can transcend old problems when you fear less and imagine more. Imagine the kind of story you want to be in.


The New Moon in Aquarius on February 4th highlights a part of your sky that has to do with your home, your family, and your roots. There are many ways to transform your house into a home and that begins with the love you have in your heart. This may sound cheesy, but the New Moon brings an opportunity to fill your heart with more love so that you can feel more at home within your own home. And self-forgiveness is one of the key ingredients. Forgiving yourself for wanting more. For wishing you could do better. For wishing things could be different. And the truth is, it can be. You will also have a Full Moon in Virgo on February 19th highlighting a part of your sky that has to do with your wishes and highest aspirations. What you share represents your beliefs and values. You can share more authentically (online and offline) when you honor your values. Think of it as a tree. A strong tree supports the ecosystem around it. Your values are growing, and this puts you on stronger footing.


The New Moon in Aquarius on February 4th highlights a part of your sky that has to do with the way you perceive the world and how it influences your communication process. As a Sagittarian, you are known for your often brutal honesty, but you also have the capacity to speak with purpose, precision, and power. When you speak, there are infinite possibilities of what you could say. It's about time you took ownership of how your communication is received. This will allow you to frame your language in a way that is more enlightening, empowering, and also refreshing. You will also have a Full Moon in Virgo on February 19th highlighting a part of your sky that has to do with your career, legacy and how you are seen as a figure on the world stage. The drive to raise your game in business and in life should include flexibility. When you are fluid, like water, you are more open to new approaches. This mental rewiring paves the way for a journey filled with new and exciting possibilities.


The New Moon in Aquarius on February 4th highlights a part of your sky that has to do with your physical senses, personal values and the way you feel about your possessions. Success and failure are often viewed monetarily, and there is something about money that speaks to our core values. Do you measure your worth in dollars? Or have you found a balance between how you feel and what you earn? Whatever the case may be, recognizing that you are doing your best will help you embrace the impermanence of life. It may sound paradoxical, but as you learn to let the outcome go, you will find new meaning in the process, and from there, new spirit. You will also have a Full Moon in Virgo on February 19th highlighting a part of your sky that has to do with broadening your mind and horizons. Believing allows you to see the many paths to success. As you reconsider what you believe, you find new, creative solutions to old problems. Believe better, worry less.


The New Moon on February 4th highlights a part of your sky that has to do with well, you! Happy New Moon, Aquarius! Whether you made New Year's resolutions or didn't make any at all, this is the perfect time for you to start anew! You understand that in order to change your day-to-day behavior you also have to change your thinking. This will help you in making resolutions that you can actually keep and that are practical. So what's practical? Doing one thing at a time. Accepting lapses as part of the process. Rearranging your environment to reinforce your new habits. You will also have a Full Moon in Virgo on February 19th highlighting a part of your sky that has to do with deep transformation, rebirth, and magick. The answers to your most pressing questions lie within you. What are you pretending not to know? In what way are you being perceived, that you're not aware of? With new self-awareness, you recognize what needs to be done today/this week/month.


The New Moon in Aquarius on February 4th highlights a part of your sky that has to do with your subconscious mind, intuition, dreams, and imaginations. Carl Jung once said, "Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate." What is your WHY? As you dig deep into yourself, you will see that there is something beneath money, success, and freedom. You will see your true purpose. And what is that purpose? The New Moon will help you see the answer. You will also have a Full Moon in Virgo on February 19th highlighting a part of your sky that has to do with your partnerships and relationships of any kind. What would you say to your self from 10 years ago? What would you say to your self from 10 years to come? Who you are is the sum of your experiences as well as people who have taught you about who you are and who you are not. Who you are today is something worth celebrating. Celebrate your wisdom. Your knowledge. Your power.

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