Creativity with a Capital C | Your Astrology + Horoscopes for March 2019

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It's better to create something that others criticize than to
create nothing & criticize others. Go create! Have fun :)
Ricky Gervais

 Creativity begins where excuses end. 

Creativity happens in motion, not in idleness. Creativity is about starting messy - not perfect, because being creative is all about being open to exploration. It is also about discovering new solutions and looking at old problems with new eyes. 

Being creative is not about being some 'crazy' artist or scientist with endless ideas. To be creative, you don't have to know how to paint or write music. What you need to do, though, is figure out your passion. Imagine if you could do anything in life, and money was not an issue, what would you do? 

"Being creative is all about being open to exploration."

Before you start thinking about why would it matter if it doesn't bring financial rewards, know that there is wisdom in allowing yourself to believe in your passion. Honoring your passion is the first step in becoming creative. Even if it's not directly related to your current job. When you immerse yourself in your passion, you open your mind, heart, and soul to exploration. You allow yourself to explore a world of possibilities beyond your daily routine. 

This 'world' is yours and yours alone. Only you know how to access this world. By being in this unique world of yours, you open the door to personal creation. Because at the end of the day, creativity is about creating. So what do you want to create? What would be your personal legacy? The answer lies in making the decision to believe in your own dreams.

"There is wisdom in allowing yourself to believe in your passion."

We will have a New Moon on March 6th. The Moon will be joining the Sun, Neptune, and Mercury Rx in Pisces, marking a super instinctive and expansive New Moon in the sign of the Fish. Themes related to imagination, creativity, and expression begin, catapulting you towards a more expressive month where you don't only work with your intuition, but also with your revamped personal power. Old misconceptions about your own capabilities to create are replaced with a new belief that you do have something unique to give to this world. 

The Pisces Moon will be forming a sextile to Mars in Taurus and Saturn+Pluto in Capricorn, and you understand that in order to live a more creative life you need to make the decision to DO it. NOW. You realize that postponing it to 'someday' only gives you more excuses to not get off the hamster wheel and create.

"You do have something unique to give to this world." 

With the Moon's square to Jupiter in Sagittarius, taking back control of your time may seem challenging with assigned duties and responsibilities in mind. Know that being creative doesn't mean that you need to take 8 hours off your day every day to devote yourself to your hobbies. Sometimes taking an hour out of your day (every day) is more than enough to lead a more fulfilling life. To leave something behind. To change the world around you. Remind yourself why creativity is important and you will openly make time for it, even if it means to sacrifice. 

We will also have a Full Moon on March 21st. The Moon will be in Libra and forming an opposition to the Sun in Aries, marking a diplomatic and peace-loving Full Moon in the sign of the Scales. Ruled by Venus, creativity rules this sign — whether through art or through communication in relationships we form as we go through life. 

What is healthy communication? Recognizing that true communication begins when you listen (with the intention to understand) opens you up to the important art of active listening. Paying attention to your own 'personal lens' when you are communicating also help you see whether you are seeing from only your own perspective or also the other person's.

"True communication begins when you listen
with the intention to understand."

The Libra Moon will form a square to Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, and tensions can arise when you don't communicate your feelings clearly. An argument often develops from hidden emotions. Making sure you recognize and understand your own emotions will help create a genuine curiosity in the other person rather than an overly anticipative mind. 

With the Moon's trine to Venus in Aquarius and sextile to Jupiter in Sagittarius, ask yourself, "What sparks my joy?" — a question recently made popular by the Japanese organizing consultant and author, Marie Kondo. Think of ideas that make your heart beats faster, but don't quickly dismiss them just because they seem too unrealistic. Sooner, rather than later, you will discover what actually makes your eyes light up with excitement.



The New Moon in Pisces on March 6th highlights a part of your sky that has to do with your subconscious mind, dreams, and imaginations. When was the last time you took a proper time out? Understanding that rest days are just as important as your active days could do wonders for your day-to-day life. The New Moon reminds you that resilience is not only about how you endure but also how you recharge. You will also have a Full Moon in Libra on March 21st highlighting a part of your sky that has to do with your relationships and partnerships of any kind. As American psychiatrist and author, M. Scott Peck, once said, “You cannot truly listen to anyone and do anything else at the same time." One of the most important communication skills is listening. There is a lot that you will discover from active listening. By becoming a better listener, you make room for deep emotional connections to prosper as well as keep the flames of love, laughter, and intimacy alive in your life.


The New Moon in Pisces on March 6th highlights a part of your sky that has to do with your wishes and highest aspirations as well as groups you belong to. You may have been feeling more driven to up your game, especially with Mars in your sign, but don't forget to also make time for your friends. Yes, growing doesn't have to mean growing apart. What you also need to remember is who you are today is the sum of your experiences AND those that were always there for you on your journey. You will also have a Full Moon in Libra on March 21st highlighting a part of your sky that has to do with your work, health, and daily routines. With new dreams to achieve, you also need new habits that can help you get closer to them. Librans take every chance they get to learn from others and build a network. Make active listening a part of your new habits. Cultivating a two-way street mindset opens you up to building genuine relationships and potential opportunities down the line.


The New Moon in Pisces on March 6th highlights a part of your sky that has to do with your career, legacy and how you are seen as a figure on the world stage. Do you feel connected to your calling? Or perhaps you are just starting out on a journey to find out what you are meant to be doing in this life? Whatever the case may be, you'll feel a deep level of truth and commitment whenever you think about a particular subject you're passionate about. The New Moon will help you see that you've been preparing for your calling since the moment you were born. You will also have a Full Moon in Libra on March 21st highlighting a part of your sky that has to do with your inner child and creativity. When you see having fun as something trivial or unworthy, you put off the most creative and mood enhancing part of your life. Having fun is not a deflection from a successful life, it is the pathway to it. See fun as one of the key ingredients on the map to your true life.


The New Moon in Pisces on March 6th highlights a part of your sky that has to do with broadening your mind and horizons. With the New Moon conjoining Neptune, you are reminded that you have learned a lot and with that, comes greater responsibility. This is not about you becoming a teacher (although you already are to some people), this is about you implementing and sharing your knowledge. Not only will you be reaping the benefits of better learning, but it will also be a great way to grow your network and unlock new opportunities. You will also have a Full Moon in Libra on March 21st highlighting a part of your sky that has to do with your home, your family, and your roots. Your core principles have been going through major transformations and so has your career outlook. As you treat people - including yourself, with more compassion, dignity, and respect, you open yourself up to a future built on more solid foundation and genuine partnerships.


LEO ♌︎
The New Moon in Pisces on March 6th highlights a part of your sky that has to do with deep transformation, death, rebirth, and magick. What gets you out of bed in the mornings? Where do you usually want to do more than what's expected? You know, more than the other signs, that having passion is important for a balanced and happy life. But there is something deeper than passion. Something closer to your core. It's your soul. The New Moon invites you to reconnect with the true essence of you. Realigning with your soul helps you live a more mindful life where you transcend the ego and shine even brighter as your most authentic self. You will also have a Full Moon in Libra on March 21st highlighting a part of your sky that has to do with your perception and how it influences your communication process. Speaking from the soul begins when you're willing to accept every part of you, the good and the bad. Your soul story has the capacity to make a difference. Embrace it.


The New Moon in Pisces on March 6th highlights a part of your sky that has to do with your relationships and partnerships of any kind. How much do you invest in your relationships? Your network defines you. Connecting with others with similar values and passions will not only increase your feelings of happiness, but also your opportunities. The New Moon creates a shift within you where you only want to connect with passionate people. The yes people. Those who say it can indeed be done. Surround yourself with people that share your passion for learning and development. You will also have a Full Moon in Libra on March 21st highlighting a part of your sky that has to do with your physical senses, personal values and the way you feel about your possessions. Your values help guide you through life. You are destined to live a life of your own values. How will you know if you're living your values or walking your path? You will know because it will feel like home.


The New Moon in Pisces on March 6th highlights a part of your sky that has to do with your work, health, and daily routines. Are you following your rhythm? Finding your own rhythm helps you live your true self beneath all of your programmed patterns, limiting beliefs, frustrations, anxieties, insecurities, anger, and outdated behaviors. Living in your own rhythm also allows you to get more work done, because you are able to create a timeline with a more natural flow and an environment that is more conducive to your work. You will also have a Full Moon on March 21st highlighting a part of your sky that is all about you! Happy Full Moon, Libra! Maintaining balance throughout life is a continual practice of choreographing your own needs and wants, while also feeling productive. With new conviction, you become better in tune with your own rhythm and life is a new, daring adventure where you are more than ready to dance to the beat of your own drum.


The New Moon in Pisces on March 6th highlights a part of your sky that has to do with your inner child and creativity. How often do you slow down to play and have fun? Many believe in the idea that working hard is the only way to success. Recognizing the importance of playfulness and having fun will help you find ways to de-stress, even if it's only for a couple of hours. The New Moon brings a reminder that when you relax, your body releases anti-stress hormones, which can strengthen not only your mind, but also your body. Seize the now. Because fun IS in the now. You will also have a Full Moon in Libra on March 21st highlighting a part of your sky that has to do with your subconscious mind, intuition, dreams, and imaginations. Themes related to de-stressing and clearing your mind continue throughout the month. If you believe you are too busy for relaxation, imagine the cost of stress on your health and wellbeing. There is power in self-care now. After all, you deserve it.


The New Moon in Pisces on March 6th highlights a part of your sky that has to do with your home, your family, and your roots. Your home should be your personal space of peace. With the New Moon conjoining Neptune, you are reminded of the importance of shutting out the world once in a while and enter a realm of peace and solitude. Releasing the tensions and stresses of daily life is crucial not only to your health, but also your creativity. You will also have a Full Moon in Libra on March 21st highlighting a part of your sky that has to do with your wishes and highest aspirations as well as your friendships and groups you belong to. Are your friends setting you up to shine? Who you spend the most time with determines the level of consciousness you want to live at, your goals and ambitions, your values and beliefs. This is your moment to shine. And you deserve to surround yourself with people who are always open to learning, growing, healing and evolving!


The New Moon in Pisces on March 6th highlights a part of your sky that has to do with the way you perceive the world and how it influences your communication process. Communication is an important part of many aspects of our lives. A successful communication consists of connection as well as inspiration. It's not just about speaking. With the New Moon conjoining Neptune, you are reminded of the importance of what you communicate not just verbally, but also non-verbally. You have the capacity to make a powerful and enduring impact when you listen with your intuition. You will also have a Full Moon in Libra on March 21st highlighting a part of your sky that has to do with your career, legacy and how you are seen as a figure on the world stage. Your level of success goes hand in hand with your level of personal development. Approach everything with an open mind, a learning mind, and you will rise above old problems with new, more success-inducing outlook and attitude.


The New Moon in Pisces on March 6th highlights a part of your sky that has to do with your physical senses and personal values. Your ability to recognize what makes you unique is the key to your everlasting sense of individuality. But balancing togetherness and individuality can sometimes be a challenge. Understanding your own values and what is most important to you can be the first step in setting healthy boundaries. This may be an ongoing process, but you have a chance to create new traditions that not only celebrate your uniqueness, but also make space for differences to flourish in more empowering ways. You will also have a Full Moon in Libra on March 21st highlighting a part of your sky that has to do with broadening your mind and horizons. When you think about the future, what do you see? Can you imagine a bright future? Don't let the fear of discipline and hard work stop you from achieving your finest work. Each small step you take counts.


The New Moon on March 6th highlights a part of your sky that is all about you! Happy New Moon, Pisces! With a new spirit, you are ready to be open and express your inner self. Sharing your thoughts and feelings may not always be easy. But hiding them only means you are denying yourself that chance to speak out, to connect more deeply, to accept yourself more fully. Know that this is not about you being completely open with everyone in every situation. This is about you honoring your truth and trusting your own intuition. You have the power to change things by being open and sharing things. You will also have a Full Moon in Libra on March 21st highlighting a part of your sky that has to do with deep transformation, death, rebirth, magick, and taboos. When you are struggling hard in the outside world, it's a sign that it is time to put your inner world in order. Surrender to your inner peace. Stand your sacred ground. Your truth is your purpose.

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